Quote Originally Posted by allstarsplus View Post
Thanks for the hilights and congrats on getting the McGwire sigs!

I wonder what it will be like at stadiums that Big Mac will be at. I hope to get some of my bats auto'd when he is in Washington!
If Big Mac is anything like he was at Wrigley Field pre-2002, he is a creature of habit. Back then, before Cubs management barred fans from waiting for autographs by the wall between the bullpens for BP, McGwire ALWAYS had the same routine. If he didn't take BP, he didn't sign. If he DID take pregame swings, either just before or just after he took his turn, he'd start at the edge of the dugout, home plate side. Whomever he signed for first had their pen/Sharpie "borrowed' for his whole time signing. He went from that spot to the edge of the home plate screen, signing for everyone who was in the front row, and no one in back. After that, he'd return the pen/Sharpie to its owner, and disappear into the dugout.

Most of the autograph seekers knew his routine, and the mad dash for that segment of the wall began immediately after the gates opened. If you didn't get up by the wall in the first 5 minutes that the park was open, you were screwed!

Those who remember McGwire's habits in his playing days might look for something similar to what he did back then, allowing for the fact that he will no longer take BP.

Dave M.
Chicago area