#1 Make an effort NOT to get nasty about any of it, no-one wants to hear it, including Ebay/Paypal. People will be more likely to listen to your Case, you`ll get MUCH BETTER RESULTS.

#2 Build a Case & present it well! Photos of Original Sale, Timestamped/video as you open returned Items. Photos of the "Blinged out" Barbie Clothes your Wife sold, which the Lady did NOT return.

#3 Buyer does NOT have 100% protection, if you can Prove FRAUD/DECEIT.

Turkey Day, Lady ran a Red Light, 9700.00+ damage to my 4x4, NOT Including Medical. She Lied about the ENTIRE Process, until her Ins.Co. called her Bluff!!! If she would have Lied one more time, It would have been a Felony!!! Thank God for Witnesses. Sucks to have to fight this stuff, I`ve had to Fight for everything I have.

The Truth will come out, The Process sucks sometimes.
