Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
Not only does it look promising, it's all falling together for him.

The shameful part of all of this is that he has to go through all the proper, expensive, and timely motions to achieve the obvious outcome because Paypal and Ebay do nothing to bring the blatant shameless criminal to justice. I just want to see him succeed. I meant no offense to you. I just want you guys to keep it in the right direction. Lokee needs to seek support, and do everything in his power to prosecute this trash. If this thread ever gets called into evidence as part of a trial, how would that look for him if he is found here agreeing to all of this childish light-hearted nonsense.

Think about it.

I can picture it now! GUU founder Chris C has to fly to S. Illinois (or the pacific northwest) to testify in small claims court for a member's wife's eBay sale. Maybe we can turn it into a GUU convention that everyone has always talked about. I'll bring Jello!