As a STL fan and a baseball fan I was happy for him to come clean....anyone who did not think he used is very naive...he was already assumed guilty as he practically admitted guilt by not denying in front of congres....This was the best thing he could have done for himself and hopefully it can turn positive for him.

He gave us a lot of memories and we have to as fans understand that steroids were part of the game..we must mark it down in history as the steroid era which baseball itself turned a blind eye to and move forward...put everyone in the Hall that deserves based on their impact on the game and their stats/accomplishments with the understanding that everyone who played during the era could be subject to questions regarding PED's....we have no way of knowing who did and did not use before the testing.

Baseball's history are full of cheaters and given the chance those who played in a different era very likely would have taken any and everything to help them play longer....