Mac admits using steroids...

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    Senior Member
    • Sep 2009
    • 803

    Re: Mac admits using steroids...

    Originally posted by suicide_squeeze
    I think Jim's point was that if you're rich here in America, and you have status, popularity, a prestigious job and are loved by many, you can fairly often get away with almost anything.

    Sound familiar? Like maybe the life of a star athlete? You can obtain the best legal advice money can buy as evidenced by how Mark handled himself at the congressional hearings.

    While on the other hand, if you're an inner city struggling are nothing more than a feeder rat which the local police department recruits will use to "break in their teeth" on. No support, no mercy.'s unfair Jim.
    If you are a star it can be used against you as well, when a "star" has things in their personal life the whole world knows. The feds did not care if it was McGwire or Joe Schmoe at the gym. There are hundreds connected that did not get persued not just the star atheletes. It all depends what the case is. If Mark was a big time supplier it would have been different. When faced with enough public outcry then it can change as well...for instance Mike Vick was used as an example.


      Senior Member
      • Sep 2009
      • 803

      Re: Mac admits using steroids...

      Also another guy that stardom actually hurt was Plaxico Buress who was arrested and charged in the city that he had just won a superbowl in.


      • whatupyos
        • Dec 2005
        • 703

        Re: Mac admits using steroids...

        Good points STL. I read an article that the FBI knew of McGwire's steroid use since 1993 but they were only concerned with the suppliers. They didn't have the resources to get everyone so they went after the big time suppliers which makes sense. But that's the risk when you do drugs, you never know the time or place but sooner or later, you're going to get busted.

        I don't think it has to do with having a big time lawyer or money to get a big time lawyer as Steve hinted at with some professional athletes. McGwire was not granted immunity. Any lawyer, even a public defender would advise their client to take the 5th if their client wasn't granted immunity. I can't understand why Mark wasn't given immunity. Things would have been a whole lot different. Giambi had immunity, Bonds would have if he just admitted it. From what I've read anyway. I heard they were told to tell what they knew and nothing would happen.



        • STLHAMMER32
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2009
          • 803

          Re: Mac admits using steroids...

          Originally posted by whatupyos
          Good points STL. I read an article that the FBI knew of McGwire's steroid use since 1993 but they were only concerned with the suppliers. They didn't have the resources to get everyone so they went after the big time suppliers which makes sense. But that's the risk when you do drugs, you never know the time or place but sooner or later, you're going to get busted.

          I don't think it has to do with having a big time lawyer or money to get a big time lawyer as Steve hinted at with some professional athletes. McGwire was not granted immunity. Any lawyer, even a public defender would advise their client to take the 5th if their client wasn't granted immunity. I can't understand why Mark wasn't given immunity. Things would have been a whole lot different. Giambi had immunity, Bonds would have if he just admitted it. From what I've read anyway. I heard they were told to tell what they knew and nothing would happen.

          Having the media cover everything makes it tough to give any star athlete a free pass on anything. Press conferences are held to discuss minor issues, if it was a regular Joe nobody would even care. These guys make tons of money and part of the exposure is the price of fame but these guys are human and make mistakes too. The only difference is when they mess up their lives are scrutinized down to every tiny detail.

          McGwire should have been granted immunity because he was ready to talk and even admitted use in private meetings. These guys questioning him knew that he was obviously not going to impicate himself and knew that he was not granted immunity.

          McGwire needs to just say its impossible to tell how much steroids helped or hurt me. Because it is! Maybe it led to his problems with joints later in his career maybe it didnt't. Maybe it helped him hit another 5 hr's in 98 maybe it didn't. Who knows?

          Here is how I look at Mac saying steroids did not help him...It would be worse for him to say they made the biggest difference, I was healthy and it gave me huge strength benefits, helped me see and hit a baseball...It made me be the best power hitter in the world, without them I wouldn't be half the player...what kid listening is going to think "oh steroids are bad" is a guy in his late 40's still healthy hitting balls out 20 in a row in batting practice according to Brendan Ryan and Schumaker. If a kid is deciding whether or not to use based on if Mac said that he would probably choose to use..

          Now with McGwire actually saying I could still have been the player I was without them, they did not make me a better baseball just caused me alot of guilt because I knew they were illegal and now I have to dissapointed friends and family. Much better message for a kid to hear in my opinion.

