Quote Originally Posted by legaleagle92481 View Post
What it is is each writer gets only one vote. The writers do not watch every game and some likely have not even seen all the candidates play this year at all. They just look at the stats and the highlight clips which favored Woodson over the others and the fact that like the Steelers and Cowboys the Packers are a national team also helped. The Saints have a rep for playing bad D and when people think of them Brees is the first person they think of. For the Vikings Jared Allen was a good candidate but everyone focuses on Farve and Peterson mania. For the Broncos Elvis deserved consideration but the team had a terriable second half and everyone thinks of Dawkins and Champ Bailey before Elvis. The Jets are not even the most popular team in New York and much of the season was consumed by Yankee mania, the Giants falling apart and Sanchez' ups and downs.

Good points about the voters not even seeing any of the play of the candidates. Sort of like the Oscars. The voters don't even have to see all the movies nominated for Best Picture when they vote. Also what you say about voters being swayed by the reputation of the Saints not being a defensive team. Voters are usually swayed by fan hysteria and general public opinion while they are glancing over the stats of candidates. Elvis belonged with the low vote totals due to the Broncos collapse. Jared Allen belongs down there too because he has the Williams brothers eight next to him, and a very solid front 7.

Sharper didn't belong down there with those guys. He had a spectacular year, and was single handedly responsible for a couple of their wins. Like I said, I don't think he deserved to win at all. If the voting was truly objective he should have received many more votes.

I feel your pain on Revis. Alot of the attention was on Sanchez who in my opinion had very little to do with the Jets' overall success. The solid running game and great Defense were the true elements of their current playoff run.
He should have also received many more votes.