My worst experience with smoking at stadiums came multiple times in the 1990s, back in the old Family Section at Wrigley Field. The regular usher up there, a nice old guy named Ray, used to man the rope between the family section and the main bleachers. Ray was known to routinely look the other way on the rules; for example, allowing friends and others to sit in the family section even though they didn't have tickets there. Anyway, the ramp that connected the non-smoking family section and the anything goes bleachers was where I would often play during games and BP. Bleacher fans sometimes wanted to smoke...illegal in the seating Ray would send the smokers to stand with me on the ramp! Ray's willingness to ignore stadium rules to take care of buddies finally caught up with him in the early 2000s as caught in the act of not enforcing stadium rules by a security supervisor, the supe dressed him down publicly in front of the fans. Ray quit after that public humiliation, but got his job back the next year...but he was no longer assigned to the outfield family section/bleacher gate, which doesn't exist anymore.

Dave Miedema