Quote Originally Posted by LastingsMilledge85 View Post
Personally, I think the A's have a wonderful young group of pitchers with loads of potential. Plus any pitcher is better than a pitcher that spends a significant amount of time on the DL per season. He's a high risk with a huge contract, that surprised me.
They do have great young pitching, but some of the pitchers are young and haven't been able to pitch at the MLB level yet. Of course you have Cahill and Anderson who have great arms, and are already good. But then by signing sheets you don't have to pitch a guy like Vin Mazzaro, who went 4 and 9 with like a 5.30 era. So, as much as like the young arms they have, some of them just should not be pitching, or are not ready for the mlb level yet. Just my $0.02