Obnoxious kid/parent stories, MLB edition

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  • Buster
    • Jan 2010
    • 40

    Re: Obnoxious kid/parent stories, MLB edition

    Originally posted by gingi79
    Look I'm going to get blasted for this but it's the internet and I can voice my opinion and you can disagree. Feel free to. I'm also up for listening to your opinion and I consider myself open minded enough to be swayed by a good argument.

    We live in the cult of the child right now. Everything is done to make their lives easier and safer and we spend entirely too much time pampering them and making them feel they are better then everyone else. This created a natural feeling that they have a "right" to everything and the expense of others.

    I am a teacher and I am a camp counselor. I see first hand that even in high school and 5th grade, sharing must be reinforced. Gimme it! It's MINE!

    I have gone to baseball games since 1985. That means I am celebrating my 25th consecutive season at the ballpark this summer. I have missed out on my hero's autographs because obnoxious kids were pushed in front of me and I was pulled out of the way. They sold those signatures on eBay, I would have cherished mine. I snagged a fly ball during batting practice one summer and gave it to my camper because he was a huge fan and I knew it would mean everything to him. He sold it to another camper and had no idea why I was disappointed. "It was mine, I deserved it, you just caught it for me"

    However, I believe in Karma. I believe that one day, I am going to catch a Matt Diaz Home Run ball because I have done my part for the benefit of future fans. If that means having to jockey for position to snag it and some kid misses out, I don't care. I earned the right to catch it because I've been to hundreds of games and I had to wait my turn. Kid beats me out for it? He earned it. However, a birth certificate is not a license to own everything your grubby behind desires.

    I also think kids should have to wait for years to get a ball, just like the rest of us. Now if a player throws a kid a ball, lucky him. Kid deserves it. But just because they are young and spoiled doesn't mean we should all feel obligated to give them what they want, just because they want it.

    I am willing to bet there are millions of fans who have rooted for their team for years and never got lucky enough to catch a ball. We still show up, it doesn't make us stop going, it doesn't make us like the team less and in fact, it means much more to long time fans who finally snag one.

    Maybe if we stopped thinking everything should be given to the kids whenever they want it, they would become adults who wouldn't spend all day praying at the alter of their children.

    But what do I know? Maybe I'm wrong. At least in someone else's eyes
    Not only do I agree with you in regards to baseballs flying into the crowds, I agree with you in general.

    Kids today are being ruined with their "entitlement-happy" parents throwing their weight around. It's not a good thing for the kiddies as they grow up.

    They'll be the ones getting punked out and beaten by their peers in schools. No one likes a spoiled brat. Learning while you're young that you just can't have everything you want in life is a good thing. It builds character. It makes you appreciate what you do obtain in life a lot more.



    • godwulf
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2007
      • 1864

      Re: Obnoxious kid/parent stories, MLB edition

      Originally posted by Buster
      Not only do I agree with you in regards to baseballs flying into the crowds, I agree with you in general.
      As do I.

      As I told a kid at one game, who was begging for the foul ball I'd snagged, "Hey, I'm old...I don't know how many more years of chasing down foul balls I've got left."

      (Actually, I'm only 55, but to a snotnosed kid like that, I'm freakin' Methuselah.)


      • platinum1
        • Mar 2008
        • 878

        Re: Obnoxious kid/parent stories, MLB edition

        Originally posted by Neal
        If I catch a home run ball, I keep it ... even at Wrigley (of course, I would run like hell if it was Wrigley)
        I hate it when they throw the ball back.
        When they do this at Sox park I will rag on them person until they leave.
        If your going to do that crap go to the northside idiots.
        Now back to the original topic


        • sox83cubs84
          • Apr 2009
          • 8902

          Re: Obnoxious kid/parent stories, MLB edition

          Originally posted by platinum1
          I hate it when they throw the ball back.
          When they do this at Sox park I will rag on them person until they leave.
          If your going to do that crap go to the northside idiots.
          Now back to the original topic
          Edgar, I've snagged a half-dozen or so visiting home runs at Wrigley. I've NEVER thrown the home run back...I've never even thrown a decoy ball back. I couldn't care less what the drunks in the bleachers think.

          Funny thing, though...when I grabbed a Dante Bichette home run on Waveland in 1997, several of the guys wimped out and threw one back for me...they were worried that bleacher drunks would come out of the park and start doing some butt-kicking.

          The whole practice is asinine...if someone does it at a Sox game, rag on 'em to your heart's content...they've earned it.

          Dave M.
          Chicago area


          • jobathenut
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2008
            • 1085

            Re: Obnoxious kid/parent stories, MLB edition

            As you can tell by what i have posted on this thread.I totally agree with you.Even though i have children i think the country is way too much about "what about the children".Whenever something happens the first question they ask is that.I even heard mike and mike talk about that whole gun thing and arenas and ask "what should we tell the kids".And as the topic of this thread is the whole thing is always give the ball or puck to the kid.When i was growing up as a kid back then it was not like that.There was no "it's all about the kids" way of thinking.And my parents did not raise me to have my hand out and think i was entiltled just cause i am a kid to have things.But then according to NYCRULESU i am just a lonely person who picks the other side to just pick fights.Because to them if you disagree that means you are argueing.And being personal if you disagree also.I guess i thought i was having a discussion.But if they read the whole thread they will see i am not the only one that thinks that about kids.And this thread was about rude obnoxious kids and parents.And not about kids haiving the rights to items at games just because they are kids.And one person posted a story missing the topic of the thread and i responded to it.So if you get blasted for saying your point of view, just know you have to stand in line as i have already been blasted on here.For expressing the same point of views.It's just funny that NYCRULESU has only posted on here personally attacking just me and none of the others that think the same way as me. andquote=gingi79;184289]Look I'm going to get blasted for this but it's the internet and I can voice my opinion and you can disagree. Feel free to. I'm also up for listening to your opinion and I consider myself open minded enough to be swayed by a good argument.

            We live in the cult of the child right now. Everything is done to make their lives easier and safer and we spend entirely too much time pampering them and making them feel they are better then everyone else. This created a natural feeling that they have a "right" to everything and the expense of others.

            I am a teacher and I am a camp counselor. I see first hand that even in high school and 5th grade, sharing must be reinforced. Gimme it! It's MINE!

            I have gone to baseball games since 1985. That means I am celebrating my 25th consecutive season at the ballpark this summer. I have missed out on my hero's autographs because obnoxious kids were pushed in front of me and I was pulled out of the way. They sold those signatures on eBay, I would have cherished mine. I snagged a fly ball during batting practice one summer and gave it to my camper because he was a huge fan and I knew it would mean everything to him. He sold it to another camper and had no idea why I was disappointed. "It was mine, I deserved it, you just caught it for me"

            However, I believe in Karma. I believe that one day, I am going to catch a Matt Diaz Home Run ball because I have done my part for the benefit of future fans. If that means having to jockey for position to snag it and some kid misses out, I don't care. I earned the right to catch it because I've been to hundreds of games and I had to wait my turn. Kid beats me out for it? He earned it. However, a birth certificate is not a license to own everything your grubby behind desires.

            I also think kids should have to wait for years to get a ball, just like the rest of us. Now if a player throws a kid a ball, lucky him. Kid deserves it. But just because they are young and spoiled doesn't mean we should all feel obligated to give them what they want, just because they want it.

            I am willing to bet there are millions of fans who have rooted for their team for years and never got lucky enough to catch a ball. We still show up, it doesn't make us stop going, it doesn't make us like the team less and in fact, it means much more to long time fans who finally snag one.

            Maybe if we stopped thinking everything should be given to the kids whenever they want it, they would become adults who wouldn't spend all day praying at the alter of their children.

            But what do I know? Maybe I'm wrong. At least in someone else's eyes[/quote]


            • xpress34
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 2648

              Re: Obnoxious kid/parent stories, MLB edition

              Originally posted by godwulf
              (Actually, I'm only 55, but to a snotnosed kid like that, I'm freakin' Methuselah.)
              GW -


              BTW I'm making my plans for ST soon... maybe we can try and meet up if you're around when I'm in Phoenix/Tucson?

              As far as the 'what about the kids' crap, I agree with others on here that I have been going to games for over 25 years and I've gotten exactly ONE foul ball and ONE HR ball (Eric Young Jr's 1st MLB HR Sept 8, 2009). Does that mean I owe any future Foul or HR balls to the kids near me - that aren't even MY offspring? HELL NO!

              The 'elitist' and 'entitled' view that our country is coming in to really ticks me off.

              I'm a Disabled Vet (no external signs that would tell you as much) who served my country, love my National Pastime and love to collect. Why should I be any less 'entitled' to a ball that comes my way (NOT talking about a player pointing to or directing a ball to someone specific) than some Jack@$$e$ little rug rat?

              I made the mistake ONCE at BP (I've snagged a few foul balls at BP) of giving a kid a ball after I had snagged 2 or 3. Then I saw his dad come up to him with 5 or 6 balls he had snagged. And to make it worse, I found out his dad didn't snag them, he was begging guys in the stands for 'just one ball' for his kid and the kid had gotten 2 or 3 other balls from other guys by begging for them, so father and son had almost 10 balls and did NONE of the work to retrieve them!

              So my policy now is this: the ball is in my glove/hand, the ball is MINE! Don't even think about begging for it.

              It just like the beggars on the street corners - having worked in downtown Denver doing Loss Prevention, I no longer feel compelled to give them anything after watching them use the money to buy drugs and booze. Hell, I went out of my way one day - on my motorcycle no less - to go buy a McDonald's meal for a guy with a sign that said something to the effect of 'Haven't eaten, need money for food' or something along those lines. When I got back with the food, the guys starts screaming at me that he doesn't want me to buy him food, he wants the MONEY! I threw the entire thing - drink, burger and fries into the storm drain, told him off and got back on my bike. As I was driving away, I saw him laying in the gutter trying to grab the bag back out of the drain.

              Darwinism people!!! Survival of the fittest!!! I am not about to fight anyone over a ball, but I'm done giving in and giving up what I catch.

              Just my .02!

              All the best -



              • Manram
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2008
                • 1151

                Re: Obnoxious kid/parent stories, MLB edition

                Wow are there a lot of these stories out there Ther are already 52 posts


                • lehmsbobby
                  Senior Member
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 291

                  Re: Obnoxious kid/parent stories, MLB edition

                  okay, so im probably one of the youngest people on this forum at 16 years old, but even people give me crap about getting stuff that their kids should have. For example getting bats and having parents tell me that their kid was waiting ALL game for that bat when they definitely didn't even know it was broken... An example was second to last home game for the giants last year when i got down by the dugout. Suddenly a big guy pushed out of the way, saying his 2 4 year olds needed room to stand next to it, where they quickly got a bat. When I had tried to move back to my spot he said give to the kids for once.... That bat was probably sold on ebay directly after....



                  • bigtruck260
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 1729

                    Re: Obnoxious kid/parent stories, MLB edition

                    You guys are also right about kids in general being whiny and obnoxiuous, but I blame that on the parents. My take is that if I can be a gentleman (especially in front of my own kids) and do something totally out of the ordinary (like being a nice guy), MAYBE it will have an impact.

                    I know where you guys are coming from, but kids behave based on what they see. Most of the time, the parents are the ones encouraging them to be pests - and complain...and grow up to be self-entitled d-bags.

                    I think I might have a nice-guy complex. I'm not a prefect person, but I do hold the door for ladies (even when they don't say 'thanks'), I only complain about a meal at a restaurant AFTER I've eaten and had time to determine who was at fault (cook, server)...and I don't smoke in places where there are kids present and smoking is allowed (Zoo, etc.)

                    ...and I have given kids (not my own) baseballs twice at baseball games.
                    Just letting you guys know why I said what I said. I understand your point of view 100%.
                    Looking for 1990's STL Cardinal starting pitcher's bats
                    River City Redbird Authentics



                    • tmpjets
                      Senior Member
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 290

                      Re: Obnoxious kid/parent stories, MLB edition

                      Originally posted by jobathenut
                      And by the way "tmpjets".When i said "you" in the example i was using in my post.I sure hope that's not what you took as "personal".As it was ment "you" as almost everyone.If you read that as personal i am sorry about that.Again forum's are to discuss things and saying "stop" does not make sense to me.As it's a forum and discussions can go on and on.And disagreeing with someone is not a personal attack, what NYCRULESU did to me, now thats a personal attack on someone.I was just using the word "you" as a general word to describe people in general.
                      "Joba" I think we may have got off on the wrong foot. I clearly understand your opinion as I hope you do mine. I think we might have thought one thing and in the ways of typing it the tone mayhave sounded different. No, do I think now that you were being personal as I am sorry if I may have gone in to "defence mode" I am sorry for what others may say but please dont lump me with them; as I do myself come here for alittle R/R. I only look forward for more discussions on this site as it hasbeen a heavan for me to be a member here nor do I want to burn any bridges here. Thank you and I hope we can go on to agree to disagree like adults.


                      • jobathenut
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 1085

                        Re: Obnoxious kid/parent stories, MLB edition

                        TMPJETS-Thanks for the response,as i really appreciate it.I was just trying to get a understanding of the story you told so i could give my thoughts about it.And in doing it i might have come off like i was being personal and i was not.So i am glad you now understand i was'nt being personal with you as i am not that kind of person.And just because i am on a computer i don't treat people any different than if they were in front of me talking.I always try to treat people with the same respect i would want in return from them.I just like to get a full story before giving my thoughts and thats what i was doing.So i am sorry if i upset you.It's obvious that "nycrulesu" has a personal problem with me.And don't worry as i did'nt lump you in with them.And with this response from you,you have shown you are a classy person and i respect you for posting this to me.Yes,we might not agree (as we don't when it came to the story you told) but yes i do respect and understand you have the right to your opinion.And just because we don't agree on something does'nt mean we can't discuss it like you said in a adult manner.Like you said it's tough to read into what a person ment by what they typed.Anyways, all is good with me and you.And i also look forward to future discussions with you.
                        Originally posted by tmpjets
                        "Joba" I think we may have got off on the wrong foot. I clearly understand your opinion as I hope you do mine. I think we might have thought one thing and in the ways of typing it the tone mayhave sounded different. No, do I think now that you were being personal as I am sorry if I may have gone in to "defence mode" I am sorry for what others may say but please dont lump me with them; as I do myself come here for alittle R/R. I only look forward for more discussions on this site as it hasbeen a heavan for me to be a member here nor do I want to burn any bridges here. Thank you and I hope we can go on to agree to disagree like adults.


                        • tmpjets
                          Senior Member
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 290

                          Re: Obnoxious kid/parent stories, MLB edition

                          Originally posted by jobathenut
                          TMPJETS-Thanks for the response,as i really appreciate it.I was just trying to get a understanding of the story you told so i could give my thoughts about it.And in doing it i might have come off like i was being personal and i was not.So i am glad you now understand i was'nt being personal with you as i am not that kind of person.And just because i am on a computer i don't treat people any different than if they were in front of me talking.I always try to treat people with the same respect i would want in return from them.I just like to get a full story before giving my thoughts and thats what i was doing.So i am sorry if i upset you.It's obvious that "nycrulesu" has a personal problem with me.And don't worry as i did'nt lump you in with them.And with this response from you,you have shown you are a classy person and i respect you for posting this to me.Yes,we might not agree (as we don't when it came to the story you told) but yes i do respect and understand you have the right to your opinion.And just because we don't agree on something does'nt mean we can't discuss it like you said in a adult manner.Like you said it's tough to read into what a person ment by what they typed.Anyways, all is good with me and you.And i also look forward to future discussions with you.
                          The same here, and Thanks!


                          • jppopma
                            Senior Member
                            • Mar 2006
                            • 926

                            Re: Obnoxious kid/parent stories, MLB edition

                            I am one of the parents who will never allow my son to turn into one of the brats that I see at the games. At the same time, I will not let him turn into on of the grown up brats that are all acting the same way. Dave hit it on the head saying that kids will act the same way as they see other acting. How then can people complain for kids doing the same thing as them? I guess that's just how they learn it.

                            When I take my 3 year old to the games, we will usually sit in the front row right by the bullpen. My biggest pet peeve are those who come down from who knows where and try to push us out of the way (when we are standing in front of our seats). I have had parents give me the look of death when I have told them that they are in front of our seats. Should I or my son have to wait for them to get autographs when I pay the money to have the seats to help my son get autographs?

                            For those who complain that the kids are not into the game, there are more than just kids there not into the game. The girls looking for some sun, the drunks looking for overpriced beers, a nd the kids who are there to take in the whole atmosphere and whatever else they want. In other words, you can't discount what a kid is there...the same as they should not discount your love of the game or heartfelt joy of getting a ball.

                            Nothing against anybody doing their own thing, just my opinions and as long as it doesn't affect me or my son there....go for whatever u go for.

