Opinions on getting a game used jersey signed

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  • bronx_burner
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2008
    • 174

    Opinions on getting a game used jersey signed

    So I'm going to a signing tomorrow and I have Nick Swisher's game used road jersey from Opening Day 2009. This was his first game as a Yankee and he got his first hit as a Yankee as well. Its a Steiner jersey and has a MLB hologram as well. I've matched the stain on the front to the telecast (with help from the forum- thanks).

    So basically I'm looking for opinions on where to get the jersey signed and what if any inscription I should ask him to add. As of now, I'm leaning towards getting the front signed in Blue Sharpie and seeing if he would add "My First Hit as a New York Yankee". If anyone has any other interesting ideas or alternatives, fell free to post them. Jersey and match below.

    Attached Files
  • indyred
    Senior Member
    • May 2006
    • 952

    Re: Opinions on getting a game used jersey signed

    I'd get it signed on inside of jersey behind either the NEW York crest or jock tag area. I'd have him sign game used WC season or something like that. Or my first Yanks road jersey.
    Let us know how it went.


    • bronx_burner
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2008
      • 174

      Re: Opinions on getting a game used jersey signed

      Thanks for the input. I didn't see it until after I had left but I don't think I would have gone that way anyway. I had intended to go with what I stated before but it didn't go exactly as planned. I brought the jersey as well as the photomatch and a printout of the info from the MLB site from the hologram identifying the jersey as his opening day/first road trip jersey to show him before he signed as I would never ask someone to sign something specific like that blindly, nor would I expect them to. I really don't do these signings very much so I didn't know exactly how they were run. But basically they push you through the lines like cattle and rush you...really rush you. When I got up there a girl on my left took the jersey from me and told me to hand my ticket to the guy at the right end of the table. Before I even turned back, apparently the girl decided to flip the jersey over and have Nick sign the jersey on the back because she deemed the jersey was too "dirty" on the front, having no idea it was a game used jersey. So before I could even say hello to him he had started signing the left 3 in silver. Then he paused and looked at me and asked is this okay. I just let it go and let him finish and then told him what the jersey was and showed him the photo and the paperwork and then he added "1st hit as a Yankee" on the right 3. Not exactly the way I wanted it to go but it came out okay and was actually another choice I had considered.

      I know some people don't like the sigs on their jerseys or prefer them in non-visible areas but I like them visible. That said, I'm ultimately happy with the result but likely will not get stuff signed at an event such as this again unless I am looking for a simple signature that I don't need to explain in depth before it is signed. I'll try to get a pic up shortly.


      • eisenreich8
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2007
        • 433

        Re: Opinions on getting a game used jersey signed

        I feel for you on the attempt to have it done the way you planned, and having it go somewhat awry. But, you can always use Ink-Away to remove the inscription completely if it really doesn't work for you and have it done your way at a future time and place.

        OT-I went to a signing many years ago, when Dwight Smith and Jerome Walton were just hitting the bigtime........the line passed a gap in the tables and a guy would come get your item and walk it back to these two jokers who didn't even make eye contact with you. It was sign, see ya, next.

        On the other hand, I've been in signing lines where the player practically hugs you to death, they are so giving of their time and attention. A couple who easily come to mind were the late Dick "Monster" Radatz and still-living Jerry Moses. Class acts all the way.

        You will have other chances to get that jersey signed I would assume. I doubt Nick will remember the circumstances/exact jersey at some future time and hopefully you will get it done to your specs. After all, it IS one-of-a-kind.

        Good luck!


        • bronx_burner
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2008
          • 174

          Re: Opinions on getting a game used jersey signed

          I should have added, Nick was extremely nice, friendly and as goofy as always from what I'd previously seen in interviews etc. and he had already been sitting there for at least 90 minutes. He gave me a nice handshake afterwards. I'm certain that if the staff hadn't been as they were, he would have done everything I had wanted. Maybe in the future I'll see if I want to change it but for now I'm content with it. Its a cool jersey that I'm happy to own.


          • Swoboda4
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2005
            • 1621

            Re: Opinions on getting a game used jersey signed

            You did very well under those circumstances. Don't erase the sig or notations. The back is the better place for a notation/signature on a Yankee away jersey because the number identifies the player when displayed the front doesn't.

            Nobody gets exactly what they plan when approaching a player at these signings. I've posted before about the Ventura signing I went to but I never mentioned that I waited untill the end of the line so things went the way I wanted and he knew I was the last one. I literally waiting 45 minutes untill the line cleared.


            • Swoboda4
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2005
              • 1621

              Re: Opinions on getting a game used jersey signed

              I'm just realizing you wanted the sig/notation on the side with the mark to display with the photo. Anywhere between the mark and the NEW YORK,maybe even above the mark. How much was the sigs? Hey,dont remove- just have him sign again later on the front.


              • stretch
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2009
                • 210

                Re: Opinions on getting a game used jersey signed

                I'm looking forward to pictures of it signed, OP.

                Was the signing held by Steiner Sports?

                I'd personally leave it be unless it really bothers you and just have him add another inscription another time.


                • bronx_burner
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 174

                  Re: Opinions on getting a game used jersey signed

                  Yes that was in fact the plan.. to have the signature between the New York and the mark/stain shown in the photo and dsiaply so the match could be seen.

                  A couple of things I did consider was the lack of player identification on the front of the jersey especially as Swisher's signature is not exactly one that you can identify easily so that having him sign on the number would help that way. And that was weighed against having it on the side with the photomatched stain. If not for that stain, lacking any other attributable match characteristics, I would have opted for the signature exactly how he wound up doing it.

                  I will consider maybe having him sign on the front in the future. Yankees are pricey at these shows. Swisher was $70. The show had A-Rod, Mo, Pettitte, Joba, Burnett and Gardner - only Gardner was cheaper.

                  As for waiting for the end of the line, I was considering trying that but I was waiting outside for 90 minuteso get into the building and it was below zero today. After standing on the indoor line and due to the continuous additions of people jumping on the ends of the line after getting other players, it seemed like it would be a good while longer and I didn't have it in me to be there all day.

                  I chalk it up as a learning experience.


                  • bronx_burner
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 174

                    Re: Opinions on getting a game used jersey signed

                    Yes it was a Steiner signing. Here's a pic of signed jersey.
                    Attached Files


                    • joelsabi
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2005
                      • 3073

                      Re: Opinions on getting a game used jersey signed

                      Originally posted by bronx_burner
                      I should have added, Nick was extremely nice, friendly and as goofy as always from what I'd previously seen in interviews etc. and he had already been sitting there for at least 90 minutes. He gave me a nice handshake afterwards. I'm certain that if the staff hadn't been as they were, he would have done everything I had wanted. Maybe in the future I'll see if I want to change it but for now I'm content with it. Its a cool jersey that I'm happy to own.
                      i always thought of swisher as a happer go lucky guy. glad he is the same off the field as well. looking forward to the photos as well.


                      Joel S.
                      joelsabi @ gmail.com
                      Wanted: Alex Rodriguez Game Used Items and other unique artifacts, 1992 thru 1998 only. From High School to Early Mariners.


                      • vballGuy
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 170

                        Re: Opinions on getting a game used jersey signed

                        Signature and jersey look great! Glad things worked out.

                        I had a similar experience last weekend at a Toronto Raptors event. I had an authentic (not game used) Chris Bosh 2006 All-star jersey that I wanted signed. As in your event, people were rushed through the line like cattle. I wanted Bosh to sign it specifically using a silver pen that I had on the number. But the security personnel simply took the jersey from me and handed it to him -- so that he could sign it with his own Sharpies.

                        Luckily, Bosh saw, and signalled to security to let me pass. He then asked me where and how it wanted it signed. I guess he saw that I was actually holding a special pen. Anyways, to make a long story short, I had a good 5 minute conversation with Bosh after he signed my jersey. The line literally STOPPED until we were finished our conversation. Such a great guy.
                        My Blue Jays Collection


                        • Swoboda4
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2005
                          • 1621

                          Re: Opinions on getting a game used jersey signed

                          I prefer they sign the jersey not on the numbers. But that notation "1st game" looks good.
                          I heard on MLB.com -Yankee site that if you waited for A-Rod it was probably the worst signing experience ever. Here's a blog entry from today's show at New Rock City:
                          Let me start by saying that I am a gristled veteran of the card show/player signings curcuit. I have been going for nearly 20 years and have met some of the niceest players (David Cone) and some of the worst (Willie Mays). The experience has changed alot. The companies charge more for players and the lines have increased dramatically, but I go in expacted this and knowing the deal.
                          So my quick story: I went to SteinerFest 2010 today in New Rochelle to obtain the pricey autograph of Alex Rodriguez ($250.00 and that was the base price). I stood in the cold for about an hour only to learn that Alex was going to be about 90 minutes late. No big deal, alot of players are late. I stood in another line inside New Roc City and listened to Steiner organizers berate, belittle and verbally attack any patron that they could get to hear the sound of there voices (Big fat guy in the gray...you know who you are). No big deal...I've stood in many lines. Then I stood in another line to get to the Arod signing location. Lucky my father came with me (he loves the Yankees) and there were some really friendly people in line. So....after about 3-4 hrs came the crowning moment. I get to meet Arod (remember my background now....20 years of shows...I know what to expect). Here's what I got:
                          A rude Steiner employee that told me NOT to speak to Alex
                          Two rude Steiner employees that were yelling at a 9 year old to leave because Alex would not take a picture with him
                          When I thanked Alex for helping us win the WS he did not look up.
                          When I stuck my hand out to shake his he shooed me away with his pen
                          When my father gave him the ball to sign he rolled it across the table back at him and didnt even look up.
                          Behind me were two crying kids cuz he would not take a picture
                          The whole time he justed chewed his gum without a care in the world and like he could care less that 1000's came to see him.
                          To Arod: Without us fans you would be meaningless. Without the Yankees you would be ringless. And finally I learned today ......that you are classless


                          • jobathenut
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 1085

                            Re: Opinions on getting a game used jersey signed

                            Great looking jersey and photomatch to it and nice autograph.Even though i am not a fan of silver sharpies,i like paint pens better.I know what you saying about being rushed in a show.You never get to spend the time with the player that you want.But i understand if they did'nt rush you that it would take forever for everyone to get thier items signed.Did they allow pictures of them signing or with you? I am jealous i would have loved to go to this show.I did not hear anything about it but it's not like i could go to it.I am surprised the yankees don't do a fan fest like other teams.But anyway,great jersey. off topic-wow,what do you know i am agreeing with everyone on this thread.Someone tell "nycrulesu" about this rare posting from me.


                            • thomecollector
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2006
                              • 651

                              Re: Opinions on getting a game used jersey signed

                              Originally posted by Swoboda4
                              I prefer they sign the jersey not on the numbers. But that notation "1st game" looks good.
                              I heard on MLB.com -Yankee site that if you waited for A-Rod it was probably the worst signing experience ever. Here's a blog entry from today's show at New Rock City:
                              Let me start by saying that I am a gristled veteran of the card show/player signings curcuit. I have been going for nearly 20 years and have met some of the niceest players (David Cone) and some of the worst (Willie Mays). The experience has changed alot. The companies charge more for players and the lines have increased dramatically, but I go in expacted this and knowing the deal.
                              So my quick story: I went to SteinerFest 2010 today in New Rochelle to obtain the pricey autograph of Alex Rodriguez ($250.00 and that was the base price). I stood in the cold for about an hour only to learn that Alex was going to be about 90 minutes late. No big deal, alot of players are late. I stood in another line inside New Roc City and listened to Steiner organizers berate, belittle and verbally attack any patron that they could get to hear the sound of there voices (Big fat guy in the gray...you know who you are). No big deal...I've stood in many lines. Then I stood in another line to get to the Arod signing location. Lucky my father came with me (he loves the Yankees) and there were some really friendly people in line. So....after about 3-4 hrs came the crowning moment. I get to meet Arod (remember my background now....20 years of shows...I know what to expect). Here's what I got:
                              A rude Steiner employee that told me NOT to speak to Alex
                              Two rude Steiner employees that were yelling at a 9 year old to leave because Alex would not take a picture with him
                              When I thanked Alex for helping us win the WS he did not look up.
                              When I stuck my hand out to shake his he shooed me away with his pen
                              When my father gave him the ball to sign he rolled it across the table back at him and didnt even look up.
                              Behind me were two crying kids cuz he would not take a picture
                              The whole time he justed chewed his gum without a care in the world and like he could care less that 1000's came to see him.
                              To Arod: Without us fans you would be meaningless. Without the Yankees you would be ringless. And finally I learned today ......that you are classless
                              Now he really doesn't have to be nice. He has done it all now that he has a ring. But, like the mindless sheep we are. We continue to let them treat us that way....All they care about is the money, and their
                              massive heads....
                              Roger Ward- Thomecollector

