Quote Originally Posted by CampWest View Post
Your best bet is to honor the stadium rules and put away the flash, crank up your ISO to 800, shoot in Aperture Priority mode at your lens's largest aperture, and take a properly exposed picture with the available light. They are playing a dangerous fast moving sport, there should be enough light in the venue to allow for properly exposed images without annoying your neighbors or endangering the players.
Why do you recommend aperture priority mode over shutter priority mode? I usually use shutter priority on 1/250 with my ISO at 1600 for court-side photography. I understand your point about the flash, but my lens simply doesn't let in enough light to do non-flash pictures.

Perhaps I should buy another lens, but I do not have enough money to afford that kind of upgrade. Especially when I'm buying a new nature photography lens, which is my true passion. So - I am trying to make due with what I have, my Nikkor 18-105 mm lens.

Please explain how you work aperture priority mode and what are the advantages over shutter priority mode?
