An example of why the forum has issues...

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  • allstarsplus
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2005
    • 3707

    Re: An example of why the forum has issues...

    Originally posted by mwbosoxfan

    I believe Andrew has hit the nail on the head. If you take a little bit of the anonymity away, you help create accountability. That is most likely the key if the model wants to rely heavily on self policing. The only other solution is very active involvement by moderators. I, too, frequent another forum that has no problems remotely close to what we’re dealing with on GUU. The close moderation doesn’t tolerate it. On that particular forum after reading an entire thread of two members debating a topic that I can’t even recall, but I thought there was absolutely no logic applied whatsoever. So, I posted the following quote, “What you've just written is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having read to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.” (Some may recognize that this is a modified movie quote.) As soon as I posted it, it disappeared. I thought I had done something wrong, so I re-typed the entire quote and posted it again. Bam, gone again, followed by a PM and e-mail from a mod. He said as much as he agreed that the thread was total nonsense, and that he found my post humorous, it would have potentially derailed the thread and he had no choice to delete it. I can see how that kind of moderation could clean up GUU. However, I would like to think we have the ability to show restraint and police ourselves, but even best intentions might need monitoring sometimes.


    John - Thanks for the feedback. It's funny that in order to bid on Game Used Universe's auction you have to provide a phone number and the other information I thought was needed.

    The next step would be of course to do some great advice from Ronald Reagan "Trust, but Verify".

    Anybody can put in a fake phone #, fake name, etc. Crosschecking the information is crucial and yes, time consuming.

    Imagine how many people will have more trust in the Collectors to Collectors site knowing that their identity has been verified. The auction site should also do better based on a stronger quality Forum.

    The dozens of good members that left will come back I believe.
    Andrew Lang


    • joelsabi
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2005
      • 3073

      Re: An example of why the forum has issues...

      Originally posted by karamaxjoe
      It pains me to actually get involved with threads like this, but if you want to rid this forum of the clowns just ignore their threads. The more you feed into people like yankees.stub, the more BS you're going to receive.
      great point. if you ignore the post there is no positive reinforcement for these people who come with negativity. then it only takes a few dismissals by the mods to take the fuel away from these people who are only here to cause problems or target certain members. seems like a pattern of members are the regular targets and once the mods do somethings, still these members who are targeted are still lending attention to the person who was just banned, mocking them but at the same time reinforcing the person's behavior.

      on registration by email, i would hope not allowing people to register using public emails search engines would do the trick. no public registration account like gmail, yahoo, hotmail so that a person can remain anonymous. letting people register under an email such as company email or cable company email would do the trick.
      Joel S.
      joelsabi @
      Wanted: Alex Rodriguez Game Used Items and other unique artifacts, 1992 thru 1998 only. From High School to Early Mariners.


      • joelsabi
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2005
        • 3073

        Re: An example of why the forum has issues...

        Originally posted by joelsabi

        on registration by email, i would hope not allowing people to register using public emails search engines would do the trick. no public registration account like gmail, yahoo, hotmail so that a person can remain anonymous. letting people register under an email such as company email or cable company email would do the trick.
        on allowable emails, would not count also. you used to only be allowed to have an account if you paid for it. now you can get a free aol account with no verification.
        Joel S.
        joelsabi @
        Wanted: Alex Rodriguez Game Used Items and other unique artifacts, 1992 thru 1998 only. From High School to Early Mariners.


        • ivo610
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2009
          • 692

          Re: An example of why the forum has issues...

          Not really sure who to ask, but I have spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out how to do a "signature" on the bottom of the post but still cant figure it out. I dont mean to derail this post by anymeans I just have seen people mention it here and how it helps regulate the forum if people post information about themselves. So can anyone point me in the right direction of how to do this? Thanks guys.

          NFL game used collector


          • joelsabi
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2005
            • 3073

            Re: An example of why the forum has issues...

            Originally posted by ivo610
            Not really sure who to ask, but I have spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out how to do a "signature" on the bottom of the post but still cant figure it out. I dont mean to derail this post by anymeans I just have seen people mention it here and how it helps regulate the forum if people post information about themselves. So can anyone point me in the right direction of how to do this? Thanks guys.
            Quick Links>User Control Panal>Edit Signature

            on my email solution suggestion , maybe Andrew's equifax solution can be used as the default mean of registration and those without a credit card can go the route of company email or cable bill email. Dont think they need to be mututally exclusive in use.
            Joel S.
            joelsabi @
            Wanted: Alex Rodriguez Game Used Items and other unique artifacts, 1992 thru 1998 only. From High School to Early Mariners.


            • kudu
              Senior Member
              • May 2007
              • 775

              Re: An example of why the forum has issues...

              I think once we have moderators that are here on a constant basis, and enforce the rules, the forum will run much smoother, and the bad posters will go away. Also, I found this book online, if anyone is interested:

              Managing Online Forums Book: Everything You Need to Know to Create and Run Successful Community Discussion Boards


              • BarryMeisel
                Senior Member
                • Jan 1970
                • 383

                Re: An example of why the forum has issues...

                Just saw this post, and wanted to echo the sentiments that Andrew hit the nail on the head.

                May I add, also, from experiences on and, two successful game-worn hockey forums, that issues like these have been around for years.

                The suggestions regarding accountability, requiring signatures, ensuring diligent moderation, are all good ones.

                But when we take into account the reality that the internet is a vast and largely uncontrollable landscape, I suggest this to those of us who respect civility, maturity and the vigorous and constructive exchange of quality information/debate/help on game-worn topics:

                If you can ignore the inflammatory, or ridiculous, or pointless stuff rather than engage it, it will eventually become irrelevant. If you don't respond to a post, a thread ends. And if threads end when someone posts something stupid, or mean, or incendiary, then like a brief flame it eventually flickers out and dies.

                I know it's not always easy. But it can work.



                • joelsabi
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2005
                  • 3073

                  Re: An example of why the forum has issues...

                  Originally posted by BarryMeisel
                  Just saw this post, and wanted to echo the sentiments that Andrew hit the nail on the head.

                  May I add, also, from experiences on and, two successful game-worn hockey forums, that issues like these have been around for years.

                  The suggestions regarding accountability, requiring signatures, ensuring diligent moderation, are all good ones.

                  But when we take into account the reality that the internet is a vast and largely uncontrollable landscape, I suggest this to those of us who respect civility, maturity and the vigorous and constructive exchange of quality information/debate/help on game-worn topics:

                  If you can ignore the inflammatory, or ridiculous, or pointless stuff rather than engage it, it will eventually become irrelevant. If you don't respond to a post, a thread ends. And if threads end when someone posts something stupid, or mean, or incendiary, then like a brief flame it eventually flickers out and dies.

                  I know it's not always easy. But it can work.

                  Very well said. Thanks Barry for sharing your experience with these issues. Public forums by definition can be inflammatory. Look at the mean spirited posts on many youtube videos or yahoo message boards, But once they are not engaged there is no positive reinforcement to further engage in such a manner or if they enjoy the madness they look elsewhere for it. For all we know these posters have 20 active usernames right now in the system. They will continue to be a pain until people ignore them and if certain member insist to engage, mods should consider banning those who repeatedly fuel the flame.
                  Joel S.
                  joelsabi @
                  Wanted: Alex Rodriguez Game Used Items and other unique artifacts, 1992 thru 1998 only. From High School to Early Mariners.


                  • metsbats
                    • Nov 2005
                    • 3840

                    Re: An example of why the forum has issues...

                    Originally posted by bigtruck260
                    This kind of post is not about the game used hobby...and it does not benefit the collector. I am re-broadcasting it here because I don't think the mods will see it unless it's advertised under a different heading.

                    Sorry if this irritates anyone, but rarely do I get my feathers ruffled like this:

                    BTW, I did contact the response yet, but I imagine they will eventually take action.

                    The thread in question has been deleted.

                    Always looking for 1973,1986,1988,1999,2000,2006 game used Mets post season and Bobby M. Jones and Ed Hearn NY Mets game used bats.

