Quote Originally Posted by Rossi46 View Post
This isn't a political forum, it's a game used forum. Making a list of banned members would be a complete waste of time & pointless in my opinion. What would you gain from knowing why someone has been banned? It's not like your going to be doing business with them through this forum anymore so who cares. Just my 2 cents though.
Since the economy is based on decisions that are being made in Washington and since the hobby is dependent on the economy, how can questions about the economy and/or politics NOT be relevant to the hobby? The solution? A section that members can share their opinions on how the economy is effecting the sports memorabilia industry.

If a separate section would be added, no-one would be forced to visit and/or participate in the section - a member can either participate or they can choose NOT to participate - Freedom of choice at it's finest.

Why not give it a test run? Perhaps 30 days? It would be interesting to see how many people visit the OT section and compare it to the other sections of the forum. As long as personal attacks are kept OUT of the section, the section should be quite spirited.

Just my opinion - hope I didn't offend anyone.
