A limit is not a bad business idea at all. Stores do it all the time with hot products and ticketmaster does it with event tickets. Any business that relies on one customer to sustain it is on risky ground. I mean what if he dies tommorrow or suffers an unexpected business reversal? The demand is very high and there are precious few of the top jerseys available on the market so prices would not drop off as much as people might think, they may even rise because once he hits the limit people will keep bidding because they feel they can actually win rather than just bid him up. Plus it would create a secondary market as people sell stuff off as most collectors inevitably do whether it is because they need the money or want new stuff, etc. Which the basketball game used hobby defintely needs you see MLB authentic, Steiner and team certified baseball items, you see NFl auctions, team, Jo and steiner certified football items and MEIgray and team certified hockey items being sold here, by various dealers and on auction sites all the time but you rarely see that with basketball. As far as the people telling people to go find better jobs just to bid on jerseys it is doubtful that there are many jobs that pay you so much that you have a few hundred thousand a year to spend on jerseys. And the idea of placing extremely high bids won't work because ok maybe someone tries that and it works that once or a few times but is anyone going to keep trying it? The idea is to keep as many people interested and involved in the hobby as possible because it benefits all of us.