Great points gingi79.

But lets take this into account: Milledge gave up #44 after Spring Training had started. Thus, the Nats had to quickly throw on a #85 onto his jersey while Dunn got #44. It was a change that was needed immediately so I can see why the Nats hurried. I'm sure the Nats called Majestic and had another set of Home jerseys ordered for Milledge. Based on this I was looking at pics from the regular season opener and Milledge was wearing a defferent jersey. So he definetly gets a new jersey....they just might not have had one available.

For LM85, you can probably take comfort in knowing that the jersey you have was the first jersey Milledge wore after the number switch until the new sets of jerseys came in.

Question: What does the year tag read on the inside laundry tag?