I want to first say I've bought a number of bats from John Taube and in no way am I saying he doesn't have great stuff and provide top-notch authentication. He is the first one I trust on players I don't know use characteristics for...

That said, I currently own a number of legit Boggs bats and know those characteristics relatively well I think. The usual characteristics that Jim Caravello describes elsewhere have always come into play on most of the legit Boggs gamers I've seen or owned.

I saw the Boggs bat that Taube now has posted on his site, listed on ebay a month or two back and questioned it due to the heavy use on the right hand or top side of the barrel (Taube shows the top barrel, showing multiple transfer marks). Boggs being a left handed hitter and very meticulous/obsessive complusive, always has a heavy contact area that is basically limited to the left side or bottom of the barrel. A few stray marks is expected, but probably not contact areas on all sides without the main concentration being on the left barrel.

I'm not stating it isn't what John says it is (after all, he's seen it in person, not me), but I'd be interested to hear other folks thoughts (especially Jim Caravello).

Here is the bat: