Quote Originally Posted by suave1477 View Post
Well I would like to say I think the bseball gods finally listened to me.

I was saying last year during the World Series that he was pitching some nasty stuff and said to my friends if the Yankees are gonna go after anyone we need an Nast Ace Reliever like Chan Ho Park.

Well today it was announced the Yankees signed him to a one year deal.

Any thoughts on the pros and cons on Yanks signing him???
Don't see a con gives them a killer bullpen if Joba and Hughes both pitch out of it as I think they should games will be very short verus the Yankees this year. They have had an amazing offseason the only qualm I have with it is losing Damon I do not like at all as Nick Johnson will get hurt at some point and the Gardner/Winn platoon is not going to keep pitchers up nights. Gardner would have made a great defensive replacement, pinch runner.