We as collectors rely on year tags on jerseys, center branding on bats, and baseball logos on baseballs as one of the factors when determining the origin of a game used item. When manufacturers change the year tags, center brandings, or baseball logos, sometimes there is some inconsistencies that happen which can be explained by a carryover of a product. Manufacturers, team equipment managers, and players will not throw out equipment if it is usable. For example, Dave caught a 2000 HR baseball at Wrigley with a Bulig logo, Stephenson wore a 1993 Mets Jersey with a 1992 year tag, or Thurman Munson used a bicentennial bat in 1997.

Just curious about your opinion on carryover since I have seen collectors pass on an item for this very reason.

Do you think carryover is an issue when selecting items for your collection? Do you think it affects the value of the item either positively or negatively compared to the value of otherwise identical equipment from that year? Would the length of the carryover (example, ½ season, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years) ever factor into your decision? Does the era in which the item was produced also affect your decision as well.