Do I feel that Mears should have done more research on the jacket before putting it in their auction? Absolutely..

But Im really disappointed that someone from the Mears staff contacted the Ebay seller AFTER the auction was completed and offered them more money for the jacket. I'd be upset if I was the original winner indeed. If Mears won an Ebay auction and then someone came in afterwards and offered 5 times that, I'd bet Mears would be really upset. On the other hand, when you purchase something off of Ebay, thats a contract. A contract that says you HAVE to pay for that item. The same kind of contract Mears has when you win one of their auctions. The fact Mears broke that contract with another member on Ebay, completely contradicted themselves on all levels. Its ok to for them to break rules elsewhere(ebay), but dont expect to break their rules on their site!

Not cool on Mears' part. Makes them look really bad all around. Very disappointed...