I was just about to ask the same thing.But also how about the members that have thier websites in thier post.Isn't that advertising? And to the fact that when someone asked about so and so.What's stopping someone from that company or seller from asking that question knowing that people will be talking about them.And they can act like they don't know who they are.I mean you don't know if they run the site or if they are from the site they are asking about.People are tricky and can get around things like that.Its knid of like on the auction thread.You could make a posting asking about a item when it's your item.And this way you are getting people to know about your item.But you are diguisning it as someone just asking about the item.I mean unless you know the members ebay name they can do it.So they are not breaking the rules.
Quote Originally Posted by SkubeBats View Post
You state that no one can post on here to promote any websites or dealers. Then WHY in the heck can people make post on here that are like the following. (Who has had good luck dealing with company AA or BB or CC? Then everyone puts there two cents in how they delt with them. When they praze the company or dealer it's promoting their buisness isn't it????)Why aren't those post removed then?? Please expalin that one for all of us....