Yankees-Steiner Jerseys For Sale

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  • YanksSteiner
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2006
    • 12

    Re: Yankees-Steiner Jerseys For Sale

    Sorry for the long delay Steiner worked a short week around the 4th.

    I actually do recall seeing an order for these jerseys, and In fact the Jersey was tagged in anticipation of Perez returning in 1996. The Yankees VERY often recycled jerseys in the 1980's and 1990's. Even Derek Jeter's first jersey was a retagged Bernie Williams, Hope this info helps some. It is possible for jerseys to be forward tagged by the Yankees. Heck, even Andy Pettite Has 2004 Game Issued jerseys laying around (he didn't return after 2003). ANy other questions on Jersey tagging, feel free to let me know.


    • BULBUS
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2005
      • 1123

      Re: Yankees-Steiner Jerseys For Sale

      isnt it possible that the perez jersey in question was worn by charlie hayes in the 1996 season and /or world series? steiner has sold many 1996 jerseys with the world series patches and armbands removed. perhaps the jersey was made for perez, but when he wasnt on the team for whatever reason, the #33 jersey was given to charlie hayes when he joined the team in 1996. i would say that it is also possible that the jersey could have been recycled into 1997, but david wells wore #33 in '97 and i doubt he could have fit in that jersey

      NY Giants, NY Yankees, Don Mattingly, Mattingly brand bats (any player)
      donnie23fan at yahoo.com


      • suave1477
        • Jan 2006
        • 4266

        Re: Yankees-Steiner Jerseys For Sale

        YankSteiner then if that is the case you sold him the Jersey as being Game Used and not issued, which means you also gave him a LOA stating that your comapny agrees it is Game Used.

        When you yourself said that it was tagged in anticipation for the player but it never happend!!!


        • shafrancollectibles.com
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2006
          • 226

          Re: Yankees-Steiner Jerseys For Sale

          If I am sure of anything in this world it is that David Wells could not fit into this jersey!!!

          I discussed the jersey with Bob at Steiner and I am comfortable with their assessment that it was game worn by Perez in '95. Hey, maybe it was worn by Hayes in '96 and even worn in the World Series - that I'll never know nor be able to determine but it's cool to think of the possibilities.

          I'll throw some images up on my site tonight.


          • suave1477
            • Jan 2006
            • 4266

            Re: Yankees-Steiner Jerseys For Sale

            Shafran ok now im really confused your saying Bob said that Melido wore this jersey in 95 even though it has 96 tagging, meanwhile the member here of YankSteiner is basically saying it was Game Issued?

            With the possibility of another member here saying it could have been worn by Charlie Hayes.

            I think it is safe to say it was not worn by Melido becuz the Jersey was made for the 96 season. I can be wrong!!!


            • YanksSteiner
              Junior Member
              • Jun 2006
              • 12

              Re: Yankees-Steiner Jerseys For Sale

              I said it was tagged in ANTICIPATION for MELIDO PEREZ returning, i never said it was issued for/to him. It is, in fact a Game Used Jersey, now whom exactly wore that jersey at the exact time, I cannot say with 100% accuracy. I only saw the order, I was neither the autenticator of it nor a witness to who wore it.

              Also Jersey year tagging is not a sure bet. Especially in the 1990's when the Yankees weren't the commerce giant they are now, jerseys could be tagged with one year, and used in another, also jerseys could be tagged with one name, and used by another player. The same goes for Game Used Bats, sometimes they are used by other players than the person who's bat it is.

              Sorry for any confussion I might have caused.


              • suave1477
                • Jan 2006
                • 4266

                Re: Yankees-Steiner Jerseys For Sale

                Originally posted by YanksSteiner
                I said it was tagged in ANTICIPATION for MELIDO PEREZ returning, i never said it was issued for/to him.
                YanksSteiner first of all that means the same thing!!!!!!!
                If the Jersey is Tagged in anticipation that means its issued for!!!!!!!!

                Ok now we got that clear that its still the same thing. The point is you and/or your company still issued a Letter stating it was Game Used by Melido Perez when I think we can safely say it wasn't.

                So technically that is a forgery!!!


                • trsent
                  • Nov 2005
                  • 3739

                  Re: Yankees-Steiner Jerseys For Sale

                  Originally posted by suave1477
                  YanksSteiner first of all that means the same thing!!!!!!!
                  If the Jersey is Tagged in anticipation that means its issued for!!!!!!!!

                  Ok now we got that clear that its still the same thing. The point is you and/or your company still issued a Letter stating it was Game Used by Melido Perez when I think we can safely say it wasn't.

                  So technically that is a forgery!!!
                  You guys sure lose a lot of sleep over a Melido Perez jersey. I though this was over, the jersey may have been used in one year, but it was re-tagged the next year or maybe it is just a game issued jersey from the next year.

                  Why does the issue still come up?

                  The customer who originally was selling his items doesn't deserve the abuse. If the are issues, Steiner Sports should be contacted, but since none of us are looking to buy this jersey anyway, can't the case be closed?


                  • shafrancollectibles.com
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2006
                    • 226

                    Re: Yankees-Steiner Jerseys For Sale

                    I have already asked for this post to be deleted.

                    I respect that the tagging raised some questions but I got an answer from Steiner that I respect and can live with and I am keeping the jersey for myself, as I stated when the issue first arose. End of story.

                    I already lost two potential sales of other jerseys because of other people's actions in relation to posts here. Not the best introduction to a new forum but it won't keep me away!!!

                    So, as far as I am concerned, let's just drop this whole thread.


                    • suave1477
                      • Jan 2006
                      • 4266

                      Re: Yankees-Steiner Jerseys For Sale

                      Hello Shafran, I apologize about running on with the thread, but I was curious to how it is being described. You said Bob gave you an answer even though it's really not a clear answer. If you can live with it thats cool.

                      Like I said I just wanted to get the input of the representing seller. Why it was described the way it was when in fact its not so. I am not trying to lose you any business in anyway but at the same time as to me I would definitely think for you it would be educational to learn the product you have in your hand.

                      Think of this scenario if one day you decide to sell it!!! any potential buyer who does his homework is going to question this item and with the answer given being that it is unclear would probably hinder a decision to buy it.


                      • shafrancollectibles.com
                        Senior Member
                        • Jun 2006
                        • 226

                        Re: Yankees-Steiner Jerseys For Sale

                        No worries Suave - you asked many good questions and they deserve good answers.

                        Yeah, the jersey may not be very marketable with the questions the tagging raises but it will look good in my collection for the time being. If and when it needs to be sold, I'll worry about everything else then!

                        So, back to the important question - anybody want to buy any of the other four that I am offering?!?!?!?!


                        • YanksSteiner
                          Junior Member
                          • Jun 2006
                          • 12

                          Re: Yankees-Steiner Jerseys For Sale

                          Ok I'm going to try and explain this one last time. I will drop this issue and thread afterwards. As far as I know, this jersey was in fact used by Melido Perez. The Jersey is tagged as a 96, was it used in 1995 and retagged for the 1996 season? Maybe (I didn't watch the jersey come off his back). THAT was what I was trying to state. On questionable years as such, we get the best information possible from the Yankees equipment manager, as he has the best first hand knowledge on these items. Remember MLB didn't start tagging, holograming and recording individual game used items until 2004. I am not saying it was used in 1996 or 1995, its tagged as a 1996 and as such, it was sold as a 1996 jersey. I can't really explain this any better, hopefully this is clear enough.

                          As far as Steiner selling a forgery (which, by the way this item is not) I won't even get into that whole mess of a conversation. Our products are unconditionally guaranteed for a reason, sometimes even we make mistakes with an item, which I am NOT saying that this particular jersey is/was, but it does occasionally happen. Thanks, I hope this clarifies some questions and accusations.


                          • trsent
                            • Nov 2005
                            • 3739

                            Re: Yankees-Steiner Jerseys For Sale

                            I feel a heart attack post coming on after this response...


                            • YanksSteiner
                              Junior Member
                              • Jun 2006
                              • 12

                              Re: Yankees-Steiner Jerseys For Sale

                              Haha, sorry I am just trying to state, as best I can through a computer, the facts surrounding the jersey tagging, I'm not here to argue or fight with anyone, I am just trying to clarify things that were asked.


                              • Swoboda4
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2005
                                • 1621

                                Re: Yankees-Steiner Jerseys For Sale

                                Sorry about the late post. And since this "for sale" thread went to "G/U discussion" the hijacking issue was remedied. The hijacking issued actually wouldn't apply here because discussion is directly related to items once in possession of Steiner who sold these game used yankee jerseys for $100(psmachetti knew some of the Shafrancollectibles.com jerseys were from this Steiner sale and Shafrancollectibles in post#24 admitted that"ALL of these jerseys didn't come from there" meaning some did.) So--Why would Steiner,who sells framed Yankee Stadium bathroom signs for $500 sell a game used pinstripe jerseys(The most sought after jerseys in the hobby)of fan favorite players(Stanley,Pasqua,Curtis,Maas,etc) for $100 if he could prove they were game used?

