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  1. #51
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    Re: This fan deserves an a$$ kicking!!!

    Just thought I'd share some insight from personal experience. I root for the Braves, the Canucks and the Dolphins. I've seen one game in Atlanta but I've seen them as the road team in many stadiums. Ditto my beloved Canucks and Fish. I'll wear a jersey and hat and cheer when we do well but I don't drink at games and I never antagonize the opposition. Just so Philly doesn't feel picked on, here is the rundown of run-ins I've had. Now I'll josh my friends who are Jets/Mets/Rangers/Pats/Phils fans but I truly dislike their teams. Not because I'm supposed to but because their fans have personally treated me poorly. Anyone who takes Pro sports personally to a point of feeling they have to physically impose themselves on a rival fan, is a dillusional failed athlete and an empty, callow lost child. We love our teams but you aren't a part of them. Grow up children, just because you cheer for them doesn't mean you are one of them! Anyway, here's how I've seen it:

    Ottawa Senator fans with the exception of 4 drunken college kids were only mildly obnoxious. Nothing thrown on me but a ton of rude and inappropriate comments. However, I did have some great compliments on my jersey as well.

    LA Kings fans in my experience jump on the bandwagon worse than any team I've ever witnessed. The post Gretzky to this season era of Kings hockey was invisible. Sure there were die hards and VanCity wasn't the Cup winning team but the building was half empty and half Canucks fans. I don't think anyone even knew or cared I was rooting for the Canucks. Very Blaise.

    The Islanders charge so much money for tickets you would think they were fielding the early 80's squad and not the current bunch of no-name kids. Always filled with rival fans and you could have a marching band playing Oh Canada! the whole time and no one would do or say anything.

    Ranger fans have become despondent since their one stolen Cup in 1994. I used to fear going there but not anymore. Ranger fans have mellowed.

    Chicago is much like their dirtbag Dman Dustin Buttfugly. Not only did one drunk idiot and his posse of alcohol induced slack jawed yokels attempt to goad me into a fight, I heard so much smack from so many lowclass dirtbags before i even went into the stadium, that I took off my jersey, sold my tickets and did something else that night. This was before 2009 and the current trio of pansys that Bettman instructs his refs to coddle. This was loserville Chicago when they were in the bottom third of the standings. Now? I'm watching my team fold under the pressure of one sided reffing and uncalled after the whistle crap. I can only hope the Hawks and their fans get to play Philly so they get the abuse they deserve.

    Oakland Raider fans are insane. Case closed. Much like Philly, I'd root for my own death before rooting for the opposition.

    Jets fans are much like their team as well. Who knew being a great team one time in their franchise history allows you to grab my friends boobs because she was a Fish fan? Did she not mention she was studying martial arts? This was sadly pre-YouTube, greatest butt kicking I have ever seen. I'd pay money to watch it again. Or the other time my brother as a Jets fan and had to step in and calm down a group of sober jock sniffers who didn't like the fact I rooted for Miami? Tore my jersey and stole my hat. Stay Classy and stay in Jersey, please.

    Yanks fans didn't say Boo to me at Yankee Stadium other than "Nice jersey" and "Great game!" This was in the bleachers against the Bravos and I was in a hat and a jersey. Knowledgable and friendly with some good natured ribbing.

    Mets fans same thing. I went to Shea over 30 times in 20+ years from 1986 to 2008. I've seen them at CitiField too. Not one time did I deal with a drunken idiot, have anything spilled on me, feel violated, fearful or scared of a potential altercation. Playful and respectful ribbing and a good time all around. And I sat everywhere man. Box seats to outfield bleachers, upper deck to Loge. Wasn't always packed with fans but the people there were rooting for the Mets, man. Gotta respect them.

    Now, as for the city in question. Forget hearsay, personal opinions and rumor. Philadelphia has done a stellar job of making the city an stockade of Philly fans. Nowhere has the veil of hatred for mediocrity and rival fans been so pronounced. And you know what? That's amazing. Nobody wants to see rival fans in your teams house. I have seen the Phillies at two stadiums, the Flyers, the Phantoms, the 76ers and one awful Iggels game. Not one time have I worn a rivals hat, shirt, jersey etc. I would never dream of rooting for the opposition. Yet I have seen fights, things thrown, mobs of angry drunks, tailgaters full of liquid courage fighting each other over who was better, the current Eagles or the old Eagles! It's a zoo. But man is it entertaining. I think it's incredible that the fans have made it uncomfortable for rival fans to visit, keeps the home team advantage. City of Brotherly Love (and rival hatred) Embrace it Philly, makes you colorful.
    Bieksallent! My Player Collections:


  2. #52
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    Re: This fan deserves an a$$ kicking!!!

    Thanks for sharing Gingi! I like the way you brought your points to the table....what demographic are you from ? you cover quite the spectrum there! Braves, Dolphins and Canucks!! As a die-hard Phillie fan, it may be odd to others that the Braves are my 2nd fav team....TBS was a staple on our cable system since it began, so as I grew up, the Phils were awful for 10 years 84-99 (save 93) and the Braves were only on their way to winning 14 odd or around there straight div titles...and they were on EVERY night ! and they were awesome. Went to the Braves Phillies game today!

    and i remember watching the 94 cup rooting for the Canucks so bad...STILL cant believe Richter stoned Bure.....it may still be the greatest play that I've seen live (on TV)...I hate the Rangers, and my uncle is Richter's brother-in-law, broke my heart to see them draft him. the Rangers should have never got past the Devils that year...

  3. #53
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    Re: This fan deserves an a$$ kicking!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by apfriz View Post
    Thanks for sharing Gingi! I like the way you brought your points to the table....what demographic are you from ? you cover quite the spectrum there! Braves, Dolphins and Canucks!! As a die-hard Phillie fan, it may be odd to others that the Braves are my 2nd fav team....TBS was a staple on our cable system since it began, so as I grew up, the Phils were awful for 10 years 84-99 (save 93) and the Braves were only on their way to winning 14 odd or around there straight div titles...and they were on EVERY night ! and they were awesome. Went to the Braves Phillies game today!

    and i remember watching the 94 cup rooting for the Canucks so bad...STILL cant believe Richter stoned Bure.....it may still be the greatest play that I've seen live (on TV)...I hate the Rangers, and my uncle is Richter's brother-in-law, broke my heart to see them draft him. the Rangers should have never got past the Devils that year...
    Thanks for your kind words Apfriz. I was born in Miami and raised on Long Island. Yeah I totally miss Ted Turner owning this team. TBS used to show every game for free, now I have to pay for MLB.tv or MLB Extra Innings. 1994 was simply the greatest post season I ever experienced. From Bure's Game 7 goal against Calgary to his flying elbow that floored Churla to Trevor Linden's shot on Felix Potvin that Greg Adams buried to send them to the Finals, I loved being the only kid in my high school rooting for them. So much so, that teachers and people I never met before congratulated me as if the Canucks winning was somehow due to me. The Devils/Rangers series was insane. I can still hear Sam Rosen and John Davidson screaming Matteau!!! Matteau!!! I never liked Messier but anytime a Captain says "We are not going to lose. We are going to win tonight" and then scores a Hat Trick to win is worth the respect he is due. Mike Richter had a commercial during the playoffs where he is stopping all these shots and skates away just before the last one and it ricochets off of an invisible wall. Mike skates back and tries to rub off the mark it left. I always wondered if maybe they forgot to remove it before Pavel took that penalty shot.......

    I never thought I would own a Pavel Bure game worn jersey but I found a cheap one on eBay in 2005. I photomatched it and sold it for twice the price. Hurt to let it go until my beloved wife found the money to pay for a 1993/94 MeiGray registered Skate Logo jersey with 3 nice repairs and a sleeve extension to protect his wrist after he broke it. It is my all time favorite jersey and reminds me of that season every time I look at it. Now if I could just photomatch it, it would be the only way I could love it more.
    Bieksallent! My Player Collections:


  4. #54
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    Re: This fan deserves an a$$ kicking!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by gingi79 View Post
    Thanks for your kind words Apfriz. I was born in Miami and raised on Long Island. Yeah I totally miss Ted Turner owning this team. TBS used to show every game for free, now I have to pay for MLB.tv or MLB Extra Innings. 1994 was simply the greatest post season I ever experienced. From Bure's Game 7 goal against Calgary to his flying elbow that floored Churla to Trevor Linden's shot on Felix Potvin that Greg Adams buried to send them to the Finals, I loved being the only kid in my high school rooting for them. So much so, that teachers and people I never met before congratulated me as if the Canucks winning was somehow due to me. The Devils/Rangers series was insane. I can still hear Sam Rosen and John Davidson screaming Matteau!!! Matteau!!! I never liked Messier but anytime a Captain says "We are not going to lose. We are going to win tonight" and then scores a Hat Trick to win is worth the respect he is due. Mike Richter had a commercial during the playoffs where he is stopping all these shots and skates away just before the last one and it ricochets off of an invisible wall. Mike skates back and tries to rub off the mark it left. I always wondered if maybe they forgot to remove it before Pavel took that penalty shot.......

    I never thought I would own a Pavel Bure game worn jersey but I found a cheap one on eBay in 2005. I photomatched it and sold it for twice the price. Hurt to let it go until my beloved wife found the money to pay for a 1993/94 MeiGray registered Skate Logo jersey with 3 nice repairs and a sleeve extension to protect his wrist after he broke it. It is my all time favorite jersey and reminds me of that season every time I look at it. Now if I could just photomatch it, it would be the only way I could love it more.
    I dont remember...what seed were the Canucks?
    Bure and Teemu were my two favorites from that era....those two, could have been unreal, if they played with any talent, like a sami salo , especially Pavel..

    I do remember that Richter commercial, that was a good one...
    Is your Bure home white, or away black? Im suprised you havent photo-matched it, but at the same time, understand, as 93-94, there most likely arent a TON of options to try and sift through photos.

    Have you tried posting pictures? Im sure the community would help or throw some leads that you havent tried.

    My collection bascially consists of Braves and Phillies jerseys...the only two exceptions are a Larry Bowa Yankees jersey, which I bought because it has a Phil Rizzuto no and band on the sleeve, which is #10, Bowa's old number with the Phils, so i found it pretty cool, and a Roy Halladay road jersey from 2000....I dont know where to begin, but I would love to try and photomatch it...I think the Braves home jerseys are arguably the best in baseball....

  5. #55
    Senior Member 34swtns's Avatar
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    Re: This fan deserves an a$$ kicking!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by gingi79 View Post
    I think it's incredible that the fans have made it uncomfortable for rival fans to visit, keeps the home team advantage. City of Brotherly Love (and rival hatred) Embrace it Philly, makes you colorful.
    Ridiculous statement.

    "makes you colorful"??!!

    No. it makes you a bunch of A-holes.

  6. #56
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    Re: This fan deserves an a$$ kicking!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by 34swtns View Post
    Ridiculous statement.

    "makes you colorful"??!!

    No. it makes you a bunch of A-holes.

    Let us know when your seminar on class, and proper fan behavior sweeps through the Philadelphia/Tri-State area. I will be first in line!
    You are a beacon of light and through your enlightenment, you can help us break through the tyrrany that plagues our city, and once again, the light can shine brighter on our fair city and fans.

    LEAD US Sweetness, we need someone to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

    Holding my breath...


  7. #57
    Senior Member 34swtns's Avatar
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    Re: This fan deserves an a$$ kicking!!!

    Dude, a million of me wouldn't make a difference in that craphole.

    Keep holding your breath.....please.

  8. #58
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    Re: This fan deserves an a$$ kicking!!!


    As I've stated earlier, the Wrigley Field bleachers have classless, drunken fans (not all, but a majority) that would be comparable to Philly rooters. It's rare that any problems in the park regarding throwing items on the field, fighting, etc. DOESN'T come from the Bud Light Bleachers. Probably more than half the fans on any given day are there to get drunk, hook up with the opposite sex, and act like head cases. The inmates run the asylum out there, and Cubs management promotes it to the hilt as the party place of the Unfriendly Confines. I have seen a hot female have beer cups thrown at her, a guy get literally chased out of the bleachers, and kids victimized by strongarm robbery by bleacher idiots when they didn't want to throw a opposing hitter's home run back. I once wrote a ballpark security boss, Mike Hill, and asked why, if throing items on the playing field was grounds for ejection, why that wasn't the case for home run balls? For my query, I got two responses: a) that the players were supposedly looking for the baseball to come sailing back and b) a lifetime spot on his S--t List for having the gall to ask in the first place.

    That's why I hope that one day soon, a fan is hassled by bleacher drunks about not throwing a opposing home run back to the point that he sues the Cubs and their security cops as a result. The Cubs need a major PR black eye like that, and I would cheer about it openly under the marquee sign if it did.

    Dave M.
    Chicago area



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