Quote Originally Posted by LastingsMilledge85 View Post
A glove is something that you really will never get from any player becase the player pays for their glove, it's not supplied by the team. Doubt any player would ever give you their cap either because I can't imagine the team would be in favor of having to supply a player with a cap because they keep giving them away. You would have a better chance of getting one from a major league player, but still I doubt you will have much luck. Bats and balls seem to be the easiest and in this case as well, cleats seem to be expendable from players. When I went to ST I was considering asking McCutchen for these extra pair of batting gloves he had in his pocket but never asked.
Yeah, that's what I was saying... I don't think I'd even ask for a glove since they're only AA players and they pay for their gloves and get them all broken in, etc. I just wouldn't think that they would give one away.

I think the hats would probably be reasonable (but purely a guess) since I can't imagine that the team really pays all that much attention to how many hats a player goes through. Plus, they're the same hats that they give them to just wear "around town" and stuff like that.

I thought about asking for a ball, but chances are that they'd just go in the dugout and bring a random ball to sign (maybe a bp used, or maybe practice or something like that) and not even a "game used" ball.

Anyway, I appreciate the opinions and suggestions!