Quote Originally Posted by slats7 View Post
I don't know what all the bickering/agitation is about..
didn't mean to come across as abrasive or combative - i suppose your posts with the photos just reminded me of a tactic employed by some auction houses from time to time: point to similarities while ignoring the fact that it's clearly not the same item in question. i know this wasn't your intention....

Quote Originally Posted by slats7
I'm not sure why it was necessary to revisit the Mastro auction. It only added to the confusion...
if possible, i think it's important to show how a bunk item was first deemed authentic, i.e. how it first made it's way into circulation. in this case mastro compared the auction helmet to an iconic photo of butkus and claimed that it was the same helmet. from there it made the rounds as authentic. not sure why this was confusing...

Quote Originally Posted by TriplexXxSports
It is obvious, with attention to detail, that there is a whrilwind of problems with the offered helmet. What's interesting to me (as you mentioned above) is that there ARE pics out there that "resemble" the offered helmet a little better than the original photo(s) provided.
no doubt txs - mastro could have at least selected a photo of butkus sporting the other helmet as it would have been a much better (albeit only frontal) match. i suppose the good news is that buyers get fleeced for less and less each time this helmet surfaces - it sold for about 30% less at heritage when compared to what mastro got for it...

it would be nice to see heritage contact the buyer to tell him that the accompanying loa was based on a photo of butkus that, upon further scrutiny, did not match the auction helmet. and that after further review, heritage has been unable to find a single photo or film clip that confirms butkus did indeed wear the offered helmet. yep, that would be nice to see...
