As promised, JO Sports has been very gracious in this program and has done everything they can to try to accommodate the offers made by our members. In fact, I think it is fair to say the have tried to extend themselves as far as possible regarding the GUU member offers.

Specifically, there were a total of 114 offers of which JO Sports accepted 70. There are also 28 offers for which JO Sports has come back with counter offers and only 16 offers that were declined.

I had the opportunity to review all the offers and I will say that I think JO Sports was extremely giving in accepting many of the offers they did. I hope others will join me in thanking JO Sports for what they are doing for members of GUU.

We will be sending out emails on Tuesday to let everyone know if their offers were accepted and/or if there are counter offers from JO Sports. We will also be sending out invoices over the next few days. Again, given the number of offers, we also want to thank everyone for their patience in allowing us the time to handle all the requests that came in.
