Quote Originally Posted by STLHAMMER32 View Post
Michael is on a different level than both of them because he IS basketball. He changed the way the game was played. He changed the marketing of the game which is the reason kids saved entire allowances to buy a pair of his shoes hoping that it could in some way make them jump like Mike. Kid's on playgrounds stuck there tongue out and wore baggy shorts. Kobe modeled his entire game after MJ and Lebron started playing ball because of him. Michael is the ultimate figure in basketball, both Lebron and Kobe could and never will even try to compare themselves to Mike.
You still didn't answer my question. Your say Lebron stats are better then Kobe, so that makes lebron better. But you cant compare stats when it comes to MJ???? How about Magic then, since Lebron stats are better then Magic, is he better then Magic. Stats are what they are NUMBERS..... Numbers don't win championships Heart, Determination, Work Ethic does, in those categories Lebron is behind Kobe.