Wow....just reading through the posts and realizing there was quite a firestorm of debate over the $100 Yankees game used jerseys. I just want to clarify a few things from the "front lines" of this promotion:

1) The sale was purely an attempt to move some stagnant items, as we needed room in the cage for incoming Mets inventory; many people do not realize this, but the Yankees had given us over 30 years worth of game used jerseys they had in storage, and much has not even been made available to the public yet...this represented a very small portion of that. Anyone who complains that we overprice our items and THEN complains when they are priced at this rate will likely never be pleased...just my opinion.

2) Ideally, the jerseys would have been snapped up by collectors who would otherwise be unable to afford a real Yankees game used jersey, but naturally the secondary market resellers are a little quicker to act--especially at this price, as it creates easy profit. Nothing wrong with that, but to the private collectors who found "slim pickings" after just a few hours, that is the reason.

3) I am not the only sales rep at Steiner, but I am the only one who focuses 100% on game used collectibles (there seemed to be some confusion about that as well). Naturally, my clients will often benefit from this fact. I also post information on promotions on the "Game Used Blog" on the Steiner site; one of which is also running in the current Beckett Elite.

4) Regarding the Perez jersey, it was game used by Melido in 1995 and tagged in 1996 with Perez's name, not used by Melido in 1996, as he did not pitch that year. If anything, the LOA should read "Perez game used 1995 road jersey, tagged 1996); no way this should be sold as "game issued".

If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me at any time, through phone or e-mail (, 914-307-1074), I am not on here frequently, so I may or may not see a reply to this post right away.

Bob Malandro
Yankees-Steiner Collectibles
Mets-Steiner Collectibles