Hey guys, new member here.

I recently acquired a New York Knicks Randy Smith jersey (1981-1982) and am curious about its authenticity as being game-used or player-issued in the very least. Seeking opinions.

I've compared my jersey to ones that have sold in online (non ebay) auctions and it looks good except for two things: My tags do not say "Designed Exclusive for the New York Knicks" and are presented in a slightly different manner, and the jersey seems a tad small (size 38 as compared to a 42 that had sold online.)

The jersey is made by Medalist/Sand Knit and bears two tags near the front tail. They are the Medalist/Sand Knit tag and the Gerry Cosby distributor tag. They appear one on top of the other, as opposed to side by side with a size flag like the other Smith jersey I saw online. However, I saw another Knicks jersey from the same era sold as game-used with the tags presented in this identical manner.

The numbers and letters are double layered patches and show some wear, especially Smith's name on the back. The inside of the jersey contains the laundry tag and the "made in Berlin, WI." markings.

I e-mailed Cosby Co., and they confirmed that they did the numbers and lettering for the team with these jerseys during this era and said based on the description I gave them it sounded authentic.

I have no knowledge of authentic replicas being made for the early 1980s, especially not in this quality. I have owned player-issued and used basketball jerseys in the past and this compares favorably to them. The material is much more durable than those used on present-day replicas.

As noted, the jersey shows considerable wear in the lettering and numbers, but I have no provenance to prove it be game worn.

Any thoughts?