So, I went to Coors Field this afternoon to chase some autos with the Cubbies in town.

Not a bad afternoon:

Aaron Cook on 2010 A&G Card for team set
Alfonso Soriano added to my 2000 Yankees team ball (now signs Alfonso So)
Derrek Lee on my 2003 Marlins WS Team Poster - 6 years I've been trying to get him on it!!!

Amid all this, Bob Howry came to the stadium and went in. About 10 minutes later, he came out and asked for a cab. We asked if he had been traded. He put his finger to his lips (the shhhhh sign) and then ran his thumb across his throat and said it was 'time to go home' - he had been cut.

We heard it from the horses mouth before you saw it on the news feeds. I just read on-line that he plans to call it a day and retire after being given his outright release from the Cubs.

Just interesting to be there and see a guy right after it happened.

- Chris