I went to the preview last night for the National and it was largely as expected. It feels a little bigger this year because of the layout of the show but I think there are actually fewer booths than last year in Cleveland.

As far as game used- the usual suspects with JO Sports, Game Worn Uniforms, JT Sports, Steiner and a few others. There were a few regional dealers (Pittsburgh, Cincinatti, Baltimore, etc) that had some GU items from their local teams but overall there was not much in the way of GU which is fairly typical for a National. I was surprised that Steiner's booth did not have much in the way of inventory, more of a "meet and greet" with a few of the reps. JO's booth had a couple racks of jerseys at fairly reasonable prices (mostly Redskins).

The auction houses were out in force (Grey Flannel, Legendary, Lelands, etc) again mostly working consignments and showing off items from the upcoming auctions. Lelands had several items for sale as well.

Some other interesting other booths worth visiting, in my opniion, Homeplate Heroes (great looking custom display cases) and Dorfman (figures, mannequins, helmet stands, etc) were both interesting booths. There was also a booth selling photographs from Sport Magazine among others that I was able to pick up a couple images for potential photomatches.

Overall a worthwhile show to attend. I will probably be heading back for another afternoon or two this weekend.