I would go with a four way tie between the owners of my four most beloved teams:

James L. Dolan-New York Knicks
Charles Wang-New York Islanders
Fred Wilpon-New York Mets
Woody Johnson-New York Jets

I select Mr. Dolan because he turned a legendary team into a laughing stock. We have Amare and a couple of average players and a bunch of stiffs. He spent two years trying to convince everyone all the losing would be justified when Lebron and Bosh or Johnson came and now that they all rejected him he is trying to sell the idea of Carmello and Paul coming at some indefinte point in the future. We have not won a playoff game in nine years or had a winning season in about that long. He hires incompetant people to run the team: Scott Layden, Isiah Thomas, Donnie Walsh and now he is bringing back Isiah. They either trade the first round lottery pick every year or reach and take an undersized power forward.

Charles gets my vote because he runs a New York team in one of the country's wealthiest areas like they are in a remote part of alaska. they never pursue major free agents, have a roster of guys who no other team would employ and "prospects" that never pan out. And they make inept trades and draft picks and like the Knickls employ inept people and never fire them. The man fired a stanely Cup winning gm for the backup goalie who went from the ice to running the show, a move that is unprecedented in sports. In the easy to make it NHL playoffs they rarely get in and when they do its as a low seed and its over in six games or less in round one. and they have a tendency to give out the craziest contracts in sports. rick dipetro got a 15 year deal. and oh they play in a crumbling arena that he cannot convince the town it is based in to give him zoning approval to renovate it.

i chose wilpon because he runs the mets like a small market team. rarely chases the best players letting yanks and now the phils have them without a fight. all he cares about is lining his pocket. ticket prices are insane for the inferior product he puts on the field year after year. the few big contracts they give out normally blow up on them ie luis castillo, ollie perez, john maine and guys who would not make other teams end up playing huge roles. they always have prospects that noone else ever wants but who they try to sell as future stars that rarely develop.they employ omar minaya for reasons known only to them after he has shown he is not up to the task of making the team competitive.

I chose Woody because he is making their first championship game apperance in a dozen years like it was a super bowl win. the team has won nothing in 40 plus years while the giants have won three times. his sole concern is selling psls so he cut many of last year's best players thomas jones, faneca, etc. to add big name fading players ie taylor, tonlinson who though they dont have much left have the name value to sell psls. and out of one side of his mouth hes talking super bowl but out of the other he refuses to pay his best player and is risking having him not ready for the start of the year or worse doing what his uncle sean gilbert did to the skins and sitting out the whole year and refusing to play for the team again. if revis does hold out the whole year the fans who paid top psl dollars will be treated to a great view of brandon marshall and randy moss burning their remaining dbs for tds and a 3-13 season.

who are your choices for this prestigious award?