earlywynnfan,thanks ken for the comments.Yeah it isn't easy being a yankees fan,they are hated,the steelers i dont think are as much but im sure i'm wrong about that.Sounds like they are not your favorite teams.But im glad to say,you can like me,maybe...saying notre dame isn't my favorite college football team (although i did like them when bettis played for them)...no,the miami hurricanes are my team.I said maybe because the canes are looked upon in a negative way by alot of people.And i have been trashed on other boards just saying i was a fan of thiers.hopefully that does'nt happen here.Thanks about lambert comment also,you are right,it's the centerpeice of my lambert collection,and one of the centerpeices in my steelers collection.
Quote Originally Posted by earlywynnfan View Post
xpress34: Where did you come up with the idea to hang bats from the floor joists? As long as there isn't plumbing above, that's a great idea.

Joba: Yankees and Steelers, huh? Tell me you love Notre Dame and I'll really not like you! (just kidding. That Lambert photo belongs in every FB collection.)

SlideKelly: Please email me, I have a baseball that might fit in your collection. It's a used, Western League ball from 1920.
