Quote Originally Posted by lakeerie92 View Post
I understand what you are saying, but what I am trying to say is that over the last 10 games he has averaged 4.7 PA a game. over the last 7 games 4.71 PA. I don't know where your 4.3 average is coming into play. 4.7 is what he is averaging right now. 4.3 a game is all he needs to get to 502. Currently at 402 he needs 100 more 4.34 x 23= 99.82 so even if you say 4.4 he is still going to hit 502 with roughly 2 games to spare.
Each time I have figured his AVG # of PAs, I have used the same formula -

# Games / # TPA = #PA per game

That number overall is steadily DECREASING as the season goes on. You're using a short term - last 7 or last 10 games calculation. If I use that, Cargo smokes everyone with a .500+ BA, etc.

When I 1st discussed Infante with you, his SEASON avg was 4.9 PAs per game. The other day, his SEASON PA's per game had dropped to 4.3 PAs per game. As of this morning, he has played in 111 Games and has 402 PAs. That averages out to only 3.62 PAs per game.

His AVG # of PAs per game is FALLING as the season goes on. Just like his BA is a SEASON stat, I figure his AVG PAs for the SEASON, not the past 7 or 10 games.

All the best -


P.S. - As I said before, if Cargo stays on the pace he's on, it will all be a moot point as he has already passed Infante for BA anyway.