Well from being on this forum over the years I have noticed a stronger percentage of members reply to the Repaired cracked bat questions and comments "They don't care" or "It doesn't bother them"

Me personally I hate repaired cracks as I think it ruins the originlaty of the bat. But that's just me. And I actually do like a cracked bat sometimes over an uncracked bat because it shows the player used the bat till it cracked / more use.

So this questions goes to the guys who say they don't care of the crack is repaired.

Have you ever thought about what if a repaired cracked bat ends up being sold as just a regular bat?
Now you may say who cares if its done good.
But what if your the buyer???

For example: I have a cracked bat and do such a good job repairing it that is not even noticable that it was cracked. I sell the bat to (Buyer A) never mentioning it was cracked and repaired because you can't tell anyway.
A year goes by and maybe something starts showing that there was a crack there.

Would you be mad? Since you said you don't mind the cracked bats being repaired.