I absolutely agree about Brett's Andro point. Nobody can get on Mac's case for that because it was legal. I also believe there is enough evidence to keep him out. Remember that every man Landis banished from the game, not just the 8 Black Sox, were never proven guilty in any court of law. Mac may have been using since his earliest days in the bigs. If he were really honest and really clean, he would have had nothing to hide in front of Congress.

What really is ironic and sad is that Canseco has been the most open and honest about the streroid issue...I personally think he is slime. He pointed a finger at Mac, Sosa, Palmeiro, Giambi, Bonds, Gonzalez, Pudge, Tejada, and Clemens. Only Clemens name has remained clean thus far...and likely because he is an untouchable. Did Canseco lie in his book??? Has anything he said been proven wrong??? If these men were innocent, why are they not persuing Canseco in court??? No law suits, hmmm. Maybe these guys don't want to go in front of a judge. Why are they not defending their name??? The public will never know the complete truth because baseball is doing its best to hide and sweep under the rug.

I loved Mac and Sosa, but I loved Rose too. I got through the denial awhile ago. Cheating and lying cannot be tolerated. Look what it has already done to baseball in the past five years!!! Judge Landis was right. Baseball's best move would be to clean house, but that won't happen. The Hall of Fame symbolizes more than statistics. Enshrining any of these men would cheapen this honor.