I have followed all 4 major leagues since 1986. As a fan, I can readily name dozens of missed calls, bad breaks and referee brain farts that caused my teams to lose. However, I realize while an average loss to the Jets, Patriots, Bills, Mets, Phillies, Nationals, Flames, Oilers, etc. won't end a season and I will get over it, I want to know which team was cheated in a way that even Jesus can't atone for. My question is simple, what team got shafted the worst?

Examples? Buffalo Sabres in the Finals when Brett Hull wasn't just in the crease, he was picking lint off of Hasek's fight strap when he scored in 1999.

I truly believe, if someone took the time to research any teams season that the outcome of any league's championship is based on the league's desire for them to win and therefore officiating, schedule, "luck" all fall in their favor. So who was screwed over the most?