Yeah XPRESS-I think it's best to chalk this up to we agree to disagree-
Quote Originally Posted by xpress34 View Post
Joba -

We must be talking about totally different announcers then my friend.

When the Rangers fell apart in Game 1, all they kept talking about was teh Yankees Machine and how disheartened the Rangers looked because they 'knew it was over' even before the Yankees took the lead...

When the Rangers turned it on in the 9th tonight, it was all about how the Yankee weren't worried because they 'know they will bounce right back in the next game', etc...

I fully admitted they gave Cliff Lee his due, BUT that wasn't because he's on the Rangers - that is ALL because he pitched for another East Coast team (Phils) last year and was lights out in the Post Season then as well.

Even tonight, when Lee gave up the walk, the announcers immediately perked up and started talking about the Yankees getting to Lee or something like that, but when talking about Hamilton's bomb off Pettite, they dressed it down as a (and I quote) 'MINOR blip' in his game. You think they were gushing on Lee??? They were sucking Pettite's man teets for all they were worth.

But I digress as I fell we will end up agreeing to disagree.

lakeerie92 -

On the comment about the Pine Tar - thanks for clarifying that my wife was on the phone at that point and I couldn't hear the broadcast

All I saw was him holding up his hand in what looked like a knuckle ball grip like he was saying Lee had cut or doctored the ball.

- Chris