Quote Originally Posted by legaleagle92481 View Post
I agree on the ratings. It will be like Phils-Rays another series noone watches. You gotta think MLB is hoping that Yanks and Phils come back. On days Lee and the Freak don't pitch except for Hamilton there are not many players who will get the casual fan to watch the games. Keep in mind also that games 3 and 4 are on Halloween weekend when alot of people are already doing other things.
Legal -

Again, I agree on the ratings - I'm a realist, I know the Rangers won't draw what the Yankees would, BUT what I am saying is the way yanks put it out there, he is basically saying if I'm a real baseball fan then I shouldn't root for my team because of RATINGS.

At least that is my perception of wht he said and I'm pretty certain I'm not the only one who read it that way.

That said, why do Yankees fans have to rain on other teams happiness and make it sound like the Yankees are the ONLY team that keeps baseball rolling???

Why do you think so many people HATE the Yankees and their fans? It's really not because of the winning - I like Mantle, Yogi, Ruth, Maris, Gehrig, Mattingly, Jeter, Rivera and even Berkman. It's because they (the fans) treat fans of ANY other team like $h*t constantly and they can't take it when it comes back on them.

Again, my .02 and I stand by it.

- Smitty