Hello all -

A friend of mine has come into possession of his Grand Father's Senior Yearbook from High School in Pasadena, CA from 1937.

The yearbook in question was also one Jack (Jackie) Robinson's JUNIOR Year at Pasadena Campus (where he had transfered to from Muir Tech - see text under varsity baseball).

Although the book only shows Sophmore and Senior pictures (which was common at the time to save on printing), there are picture of the Baseball Team (he is NOT in it) but Jackie is mentioned in the text and has a picture of himself on the next page:

What I find interesting is that Jackie would have still been in High School in 1937, but the jerseys the baseball team are wearing have P.J.C. on them - Pasadena Junior College - which he did attend. Maybe this is a Jr College Yearbook and he was doing like some students know and attending college classes while still in High School?

I am posting this here and not in Collector to Collector yet as he just wants some ideas of value and if anyone might have any interest ad not sure if the $500 C to C limit would short him if he decides to sell.

Any information would be greatly appreciated!

- Smitty