When game use isn't really game use

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  • kingjammy24
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2005
    • 3119

    When game use isn't really game use

    i read a post awhile ago and thought it brought up some important notions of "game use".
    "I was going through the "game used" jerseys up for bid at historic auctions, and the listings say show "nice use" or tremendous use", and I have looked at the photos of most and from what I see there is no game use shown. When I hear "game used", I'd expect to see some dirt, pine tar, maybe even some grass stains. The listings claim they show rubbing, or pillage, and fraying of letters or numbers. I know that is part of the game use, but if that is all it shows it seems like a waste of money to me. I like a dirty, worn out jersey that there is no question it was used, at least for more than maybe a game or two. I'm not saying these jerseys are not "game used", but it seems strange to me"

    understandably there's a lot of emphasis put on jerseys showing "game use". game use supposedly legitimizes an item by proving it was used in a game. the more use, the more desireable the item and the higher the premium paid. i think some types of "game use" have the opposite effect though; they cast a shadow of doubt and possibly prove an item isn't legit. for me, dirt and grass stains always raise a red flag.
    firstly, since the majority of jerseys are washed with harsh detergents before making their way out of the clubhouse, dirt and/or grass stains on a jersey imply that it was one of those rare few that was obtained right after a game, straight off the athlete's back prior to being washed. ie: it implies some incredible provenance that's relatively uncommon. most people aren't able to acquire a jersey straight from an athlete after a game. if you do have a jersey with dirt/grass stains, does it also have a "ripe" smell? if dirt and grass stains are present it implies the jersey wasn't washed as these sorts of stains usually wash out. if it wasn't washed the sweat should still be in the fabric and it shouldn't smell clean. if the jersey smells clean it means it was washed. if it was washed, how did the grass and dirt stains not also wash out? most likely they didn't wash out because they were put onto a clean jersey that was never worn.

    secondly, dirt and grass stains are 2 of the easiest, quickest, cheapest things to fake. any idiot with a lawn and 5 seconds of spare time can put dirt and grass stains on a jersey. on the other hand, it's substantially harder to fake realistic pilling, puckering, color fading. that takes time and skill that many people either don't have or aren't willing to do. can you imagine how difficult it is to realistically fade the sleeve trim on a baseball jersey to simulate 4 months worth of daily sunlight and well over 100 washings?
    forget the dirt and grass stains which you usually won't see even on legit, well worn jerseys and look for:
    - frayed threads that are worn through and not cut and are frayed in the proper area
    - uniformly faded logos, trim, numbers, and letters
    - a legit and consistent pucker on the logo, name, numbers and manufacturer's tag
    - a smooth feel to the fabric that's come from many washings which have caused it lose it's original roughness
    - small scratches and nicks on the buttons
    - a legit curl and possibly fading on any paper flag tags
    - legitimate pilling in the proper areas
    - buttons that are loose and button holes that aren't tight indicating the jersey was buttoned and unbuttoned many times over

    those are some of legit things that necessarily happen to a jersey over use and they take way more than a game or two to happen. it takes substantial use. legit pilling takes a long time. grass and dirt stains can happen in a game in the first 5 minutes. if done fraudulently, they take even less than 5 minutes to apply. i look for indicators such as those mentioned above because they're substantially harder to fake, they need to be consistent with each other in order to be legit and so any inconsistancy between any of them indicates the use may be fabricated, they necessarily must occur if the jersey was used heavily.
    grass and dirt stains raise also red flags because they fall into the category of unlikely/too obvious indicators. everyone loves the idea of seeing them and they automatically think "wow i bet he slid in the dirt!". my first reaction when i see them is that someone wants me to think it's heavily worn so they put the most visually dramatic effect on the jersey. let's say, for example, that you're a detective who's been called to a murder scene. you arrive and right beside the body you see a smoking gun on the ground. pretty quick conclusion isn't it? but doesn't it seem a little too obvious? a little too contrived? too easy? sure it could be the real murder weapon, but what are the odds that an obvious murder weapon is right beside the body? so convenient it almost appears staged. that's how i feel when i see some types of purported game use. people have echoed this sentiment, for example, with the custom-tagged manny ramirez jerseys that were sold directly by manny. they looked like manny had rolled around in a dirt and grass pit for 20 minutes. it looked so contrived and overdone. the overkill made them look staged. they had little wash wear evident but gee whiz they had huge dirt and grass stains all over the front, back and i think even inside. what did manny do..dig a tunnel in them? i wonder if any of them smelled of old sweat?
    here's a little sampler of "game use" that raises some questions for me:

    i'd be very interested in anyone else's thoughts or experiences with contrived "game use", especially on other things like bats. i imagine people fabricate cleat and rack marks?

  • Eric
    Senior Member
    • Jan 1970
    • 2848

    Re: When game use isn't really game use

    Great thread Rudy. For the benefit of the newer members, I had a situation with a seller who admitted he sold me doctored game cut items.

    Here's the post from the old site at
    Tapatalk brings you to people who share your own passions and interests. Millions of members are online now, sharing their expert opinions with others who can truly appreciate them. Tapatalk is different from traditional social media--the people you meet will be as excited by your hobby as you are.


    Steve Misturini from Authentic Sports sold me game cuts as game worn! READ!
    February 3 2005 at 12:50 PM Eric (Premier Login ecky3)
    Forum Owner

    Hey everyone-

    If you have purchased anything from Steve Misturini at Authentic Sports, it might be a fake.

    I have been waiting to share my story with you all as an attempt to save some of you the grief that I experienced.

    Here is the sequence of events. It is all supported by evidence that I have kept in emails. These are not wild accusations.

    Last year I bought many products from Steve Misturini at Authentic Sports http://www.authsports.com/

    Included in those items were a game worn 2003 LaDainian Tomlinson home Chargers jersey and a game worn 2003 Tim Dwight home Chargers jersey- both autographed, both with grass and dirt stains.

    Once this forum was established, Steve posted his list of items he is selling on the "Items For Sale" folder, hoping to get business from all of you.

    I then received 2 anonymous emails from different forum readers saying this guy sells bad stuff and if you've purchased from him you may have bad jerseys. And that he was known to rough up game cuts and sell them as game worn.

    I emailed steve and asked if he ever bought game cuts from nfl auctions.

    He wrote me back and said he has never bought game cuts from the NFL and that he has no need for them. His contacts were with the teams themselves.

    I contacted the NFL. They said they are quite familiar with Steve and he has purchased many game issued jerseys from their ebay auctions.

    I wrote back to Steve who said that is not true.

    I wrote back to the NFL and told them which jerseys I bought from Steve. After a few days the NFL asked me to send photos of the jerseys I bought so they could compare the placement of the signatures to the ones steve (or someone representing steve) bought from them.

    Before I got the results, I again asked Steve if he had anything he wanted to admit, and we could cut to the chase and I could get my refund. He again denied any wrongdoing.

    The next day, the NFL wrote me back and said it's a perfect match, and that they were quite upset this guy was using NFL product to scam people.

    The evidence showed the clean game issued jerseys the NFL sold to steve misturini has been roughed up in dirt and grass and sold to me as game used. The signatures were an exact match.

    I wrote steve and told him the evidence and that i was going to return everything i had purchased from him. He said he would talk to his staff and get to the bottom of it. The next day he claimed he spoke to his staff and someone had admitted to buying game cuts and roughing them up to sell them as game worn.

    I talked to steve on the phone and he denied any previous knowledge of bad items.

    Meanwhile, i called American Memorabilia to ask if they knew Steve Misturini is, and before I could say why i was calling, I was told to and to stay away from him because he turns game cuts into game used. I never even told the folks at American Memorabilia what my problem with Steve was. They knew him and what he was doing. And they had rejected quite a bit of his items he sent in for consignment.

    Steve’s response- Lou Lampson hates him and has a personal vendetta against him.

    For the record- throughout this whole problem, steve responded to all of my emails in a timely fashion and has been quite responsive in getting my money back.

    Steve did the right thing and returned the money with no argument- it was thousands of dollars.

    I received the certified check and then wrote steve, giving him the opportunity to make a statement on this forum telling his customers what had happened and to let them know that if they had bought questionable merchandise from him, to let him know and he would fix it.

    The way I saw it, if his story was true- and someone on his staff lied and cheated him and his customers it would seem to me that he could save his company's reputation by being upfront about it and fixing it. instead he is choosing to deal with it "internally"

    He declined.

    I post this to let people know- if you have purchased from Steve Misturini- I would recommend inspect what you have. It may not be what you paid for.

    I was not going to mention this, but when Steve refused to go public with this problem, I thought it was my responsibility to let everyone know what happened to me.


    Guess he didn't feel too bad about it, he went on to sell them to someone else.

    Always looking for game used San Diego Chargers items...


    • LWMM
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2006
      • 298

      Re: When game use isn't really game use

      A question regarding game use: Would you say it is legitimate to call a jersey that a player wore, but didn't play in game worn? For instance, I bought a jersey today at a minor league park which was part of a one day promotion, but the player it was of, a pitcher, didn't pitch that game (even worse was a "game worn" jersey of a starting pitcher which was on display the entire game, although that is a different story).


      • trsent
        • Nov 2005
        • 3739

        Re: When game use isn't really game use

        If a player is sitting in the dugout in uniform, their clothing is "Game Used".

        No way around it, you can ask for more but don't expect to cash the check expecting more.


        • Swoboda4
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2005
          • 1621

          Re: When game use isn't really game use

          Joel-Would you agree that if a player just wore a uniform and never played in a game with it,it could better be described as GAME WORN rather than game USED?


          • trsent
            • Nov 2005
            • 3739

            Re: When game use isn't really game use

            Originally posted by Swoboda4
            Joel-Would you agree that if a player just wore a uniform and never played in a game with it,it could better be described as GAME WORN rather than game USED?
            Robert, what is the difference?

            We want to make a dictionary for sellers to sell Game Used, Game Worn and then the sub-topics Game Issued, Game Ready, Game Style, Team Issued, Team Style.

            It just doesn't matter, with eBay making an impact in the market, sellers will use the key-words that receive the most hits to sell their items. If a player sits on a bench in a Major League Baseball game and doesn't have his number called for the entire game, the jersey was Used and Worn that day.


            • allstarsplus
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2005
              • 3707

              Re: When game use isn't really game use

              Joel is correct with respect to MLB's own definition of "game used". Coaches and bench players uniforms worn during a game are considered game used.

              What was really surprising was they also defined with the Pink Mothers Day bats that "game used" included bats that were used in Batting Practice or may have been used during the game.

              With these TBTC uni's and Pink bats that may only see 1 days use, extra homework definitely needs to be used.
              Andrew Lang


              • kingjammy24
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2005
                • 3119

                Re: When game use isn't really game use

                your pic illustrates my points perfectly. the seller admitted to fabricating the game use, so your pic shows what we know is fake use. in this case, the ever popular dirt & grass stains. one reaction may have been "wow tomlinson really got into it in this jersey". when i saw the stains they indicated something wasn't right; you've got fast 300lb'ers, running around a field, sliding into the ground and these stains are supposed to show this impact of the jersey hitting the ground, possibly while having even larger men on top contributing even more to the force of the impact. yet all around these impact marks/stains, not a single thread broke? the stains imply tomlinson landed on his back with some force, yet every single thread looks perfectly intact. (i guess it's difficult to snap threads if you just take a handful of dirt from your lawn and smear it on the jersey). had the stains not have been there, my eye wouldn't have been drawn to the threads on the back. contrived use which due to the inconsistency with itself ends up casting doubt on the jersey rather than making it seem legit.



                • Number9
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2006
                  • 606

                  Re: When game use isn't really game use

                  You have done some fantastic threads on this forum. I dont know you, but you are a real asset to this hobby.
                  And I agree 100 percent about how easy it is fake wear on jerseys. That is why I recently bought two very special jerseys (for me) from Steiner, because I knew where the wear came from. It was worth the price to have peace of mind.


