Quote Originally Posted by eisenreich8 View Post
No, I guess you didn't miss the point, but rather I missed the point, as I see no point in posting into what was conceived as a humorous thread and offering an opinion and getting sniped at for it. Why does everything need to be dissected and minutely analyzed?

If I gave you a customized jersey with your name on it and your number of choice (let's say, Fonzarelli, #12), just stop for the briefest second and ask yourself if you would wear this jersey into the stands at a Pats home game. Didn't think so.

It is definitely becoming prudent to keep a low profile on this forum these days. Gingi, why have you forsaken me???
I guess I missed the point too. Sorry the humor was taken out of the thread for you and I for one wasn't sniping at you. Just offering an opinion too.

Mods please delete my non-humorous post from a thread that had obvious humorous intent.