To Sign Jeter Or Not!!

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  • Bravesfan
    • Aug 2010
    • 150

    Re: To Sign Jeter Or Not!!

    Ironic that the above posted article just came out today.


    • legaleagle92481
      • Oct 2009
      • 2538

      Re: To Sign Jeter Or Not!!

      This debate is meaningless because regardless of what should happen from a baseball and financial perspective does anyone really think he will not be back? Who else would even pay him at almost 37 15-20 million a year for the next 3-4 years? If he goes to a noncontender looking to make a splash doesn't that sort of kill his whole legacy? Does anyone think he could turn around a team like the Royals, Indians or Nats by himself?


      • cjclong
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2006
        • 936

        Re: To Sign Jeter Or Not!!

        The reported offer of $15million a year for three years sounds more than fair. It is considerably higher than other younger shortstops are making. To put it in perspective, a person in a job making $100,000 a year, which is way above the average, would work 40 years to make $4million, which would still leave them $11million short of what Jeter would make in 1 year and $41million less than he would make in 3 years. To most of us his one year salary would be considered "winning the lottery." I am an advocate of the Yankees signing Jeter, but the offer that is said to be on the table does not seem in the least unfair.


        • xpress34
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 2648

          Re: To Sign Jeter Or Not!!

          The Yankees have encouraged Derek Jeter to test the market if he believes there is a better offer out there...

          It will be interesting to see how this little experiment turns out...

          Not that Rafael Palmiero is Derek Jeter, but I still remember clearly back in the '90s when Palmiero told the Rangers he didn't like their offer and he wanted to test the Free Agency waters...

          The Rangers extended the same offer they gave Palmiero to Will Clark and Will the Thrill became a Texas Ranger. Palmiero became incensed and immediately went on the offensive claiming how poorly the Rangers had treated him 'stabbing him in the back' and leaving him 'hanging in the wind'... I'm sorry, who's choice was it to pursue the almighty dollar and test free agency?

          I would like to think that Jeter is a better person than that (we all know what ultimately happened to Palmiero in the end - in fact I've never seen his name surface since his positive test - but that's another story).

          I agree with Hank's stance and hope Jeter proves to be the Stand Up and Class Guy he has always been - and this is coming from a guy (me) who can't stand the Yankees!

          My agreement with Hank comes from my belief that these guys need to realize how OVERPAID all of them are for playing a game - and yes, I am still a baseball fan - and they also need to realize the fans that many of them treat like 2nd class citizens are ultimately the ones who truly pay their salaries.

          Steinbrenner and the rest of the owners aren't paying these guys out of the goodness of their hearts. They are paying them based on income which is created by who? US - the fans. We buy the tickets, the concessions, the gear, etc... hell, we even vote for the taxes on ourselves to build them the stadiums that they ultimately make all of the money from!

          But I digress, I am getting off track here.

          It will be interesting based on this article to see if The Captain actually dips his toes in the FA waters or if he just decides to get the deal done with the Yankees.

          As much as has been made here about Ruth and Mantle and everyone else, this deal (or non deal) could ultimately underscore Jeter's legacy in NY. The WS are great, but Ruth and Mantle both did that too while winning MVP's, Batting Titles, HR Crowns, joing the 500 HR club, etc... but Jeter is on the precipice of doing what NO other Yankee has ever done - join the 3,000 hit club.

          Yes, others that have donned the Pinstripes have joined the 3,00 hit club AFTER leaving NY (Boggs, Henderson, Winfield, etc) but NONE have done it as a Yankee. Only Lloyd Waner (1944-45) ever donned the pinstripes as a member of the 3,000 hit club. No other 3,000 hit club member besides Waner has ever even worn the uniform as a member of the 3,000 club.

          Add to that the fact that A-Rod should join the 3,000 hit club as a Yankee, but Jeter should be 1st as he is a FRANCHISE guy - not another hired gun like A-Rod. He's gotten EVERY hit wearing pinstripes and 3,000 should be no different.

          If Jeter gets a bigger offer and leaves, it WILL absolutely leave a tarnish on his NYY Legacy and will make A-Rod the 1st to do it in pinstripes. It would be a lot like 'kissing your sister' at that point and would not have near the poignancy of it being done by a lifetime Yankee player.

          I actually like and respect Jeter - outside of the HBP act he put on this year, there has never been a bad word said about Jeter in his career. He is the epitome of what a Pro Athlete should be for our children to look up to. Play for love of the game and play with class and use every bit of your ability to make yourself as good of a player as you can possibly be.

          That said, Jeter is NOT a top tier SS anymore. His range is lacking and he is not the HR/BA/RBI machine many of today's bigger more athletic SS (Tulowitzki, HanRam, etc) are becoming.

          Again, Jeter has made his money and yes, he has made the Yankees and MLB money as well, but he needs to remember that without the company (MLB, Yankees, etc) he wouldn't be a millionaire from playing a game.

          I honestly believe that everything his had made of himself up to this point hinges on which way this deal goes... NO other player that has left the Yankees - Ruth included - would incur more wrath and anger from NYY fans than Jeter if he takes another deal. Ruth was jettisoned by the Yanks as other players have been.

          If Jeter leaves, it will be HIS choice and HIS choice alone. This fact alone separates the Jeter issue from Ruth, Mantle and any other Yankee you care to name.

          I think that covers it for now. Thanks for readin my rant and I'll be interested to see your responses to it.

          All the best -


          PS - Realize that many teams will be willing to top the Yankees current offer for one reason alone - marketing and sales. If they landed Jeter, they would make their money back on ticket and product sales alone.

          Steinbrenner has said they will not overpay Jeter - regardless of what he has done for the team, so if he tests the market and gets a huge offer, we will see if the Yankees stick to their guns or bend and break under the pressure to keep The Captain and his Legacy in tact. Ironically, if Jeter does hold the Yanks for ransom and wins the battle, that will leave a bitter taste in many fans mouths as well as it will make Jeter look greedy and petty, so both sides are in a very sticky situation - possibly the single most contentious FA battle ever given the history and the legacy at stake.


          • xpress34
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 2648

            Re: To Sign Jeter Or Not!!

            After posting, I saw this article which in the 1st paragraph sums up most of what I stated here:

            "There has been a considerable amount of gnashing of teeth because Derek Jeter and the New York Yankees are locked in contract discussions rather than in a warm embrace. For some admirers of both the organization and the shortstop, this bickering over mere money in a case as significant as this one is seen as boorish behavior."

            The rest of the article can be read here:

            With Millions at stake...

            - Smitty


            • jobathenut
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2008
              • 1085

              Re: To Sign Jeter Or Not!!

              As a lifetime yankee fan (handed down by my dad).I am really ashamed the way the yankees front office is handling this thing with the captian.And i know my dad up in heaven is really upset seeing this.And i am sure my dad is trying to get to george to ask him what the heck his sons are thinking doing this to the captain.The captian deverves to be treated better than this.I know as other say his numbers are not what they used to be.But there should be some award for loyality.Or at least some respect for the loyality that the captain has shown the yankees.I know this is a buisness and blah,blah,blah.But at the end of the day at least keep all this junk in house and stop quoted to newspapers that "they dont owe anyone anything".That alone makes me sad to be a yankees fan today.


              • xpress34
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 2648

                Re: To Sign Jeter Or Not!!

                Originally posted by jobathenut
                As a lifetime yankee fan (handed down by my dad).I am really ashamed the way the yankees front office is handling this thing with the captian.And i know my dad up in heaven is really upset seeing this.And i am sure my dad is trying to get to george to ask him what the heck his sons are thinking doing this to the captain.The captian deverves to be treated better than this.I know as other say his numbers are not what they used to be.But there should be some award for loyality.Or at least some respect for the loyality that the captain has shown the yankees.I know this is a buisness and blah,blah,blah.But at the end of the day at least keep all this junk in house and stop quoted to newspapers that "they dont owe anyone anything".That alone makes me sad to be a yankees fan today.
                Butch -

                As a lifelong Yankees fan, what are your thoughts on my argument that if Jeter squeezes for more $$ and does leave that it will tarnish his legacy?

                Would love to hear your thoughts. As I said in my little diatribe, I am no fan of the Yankees, but I do like Jeter and obviously I am a huge baseball fan.

                The more I thought about it and read the other comments comparing Ruth and Mantle, etc the more it n\made me realize how truly unique Jeter's situation is and what may hang in the balance for both him and the Yankees.

                Not a good situation all around.

                All the best -



                • jobathenut
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 1085

                  Re: To Sign Jeter Or Not!!

                  XPRESS-Well i would have to agree with you.That if jeter tries to get more money and they say go and he does that it will for sure tarnish his YANKEES legacy.I say yankees as it might not do anything to his legacy as a player but proberly as a yankee, as far as the fans go.I mean you see alot of the time when a player leaves they boo him on return.And as much as i hate the thought of not seeing jeter in pinstipes.I certainly dont want to see the day when he is booed at yankee stadium.As most people think jeter is being greedy and should just take any offer and accept it.And i might be one of those people.As i think he needs to stay a yankee.But thats just the yankees fan in me.I guess it comes down to this.Who needs who more,do the yankees need jeter or does jeter need the yankees.And i just think the way the front office is dealoing with this in the public is terrible and low class and i expect better from my yankees as they are showing no class to what could be thier best ever player.And i know how you feel about the yankees my friend.You have made that perfectly clear on here-just kidding you-
                  Originally posted by xpress34
                  Butch -

                  As a lifelong Yankees fan, what are your thoughts on my argument that if Jeter squeezes for more $$ and does leave that it will tarnish his legacy?

                  Would love to hear your thoughts. As I said in my little diatribe, I am no fan of the Yankees, but I do like Jeter and obviously I am a huge baseball fan.

                  The more I thought about it and read the other comments comparing Ruth and Mantle, etc the more it n\made me realize how truly unique Jeter's situation is and what may hang in the balance for both him and the Yankees.

                  Not a good situation all around.

                  All the best -



                  • vonbrandingo
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2009
                    • 218

                    Re: To Sign Jeter Or Not!!

                    Been mostly a follower of posts but with all that's been posted, I feel disgraced and lied to since being a fan of Jeter's and the Yankees since the mid 90's. I'm relatively young but this situation is something I never hope to see again from a player I look up to. Just sad. He should take $1 salary for what the Yankees have done for him. To me his reputation will be tarnished regardless of whether he signs with the Yanks. I feel bad for anyone who's invested or collected his gu items.


                    • mbenga28
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 555

                      Re: To Sign Jeter Or Not!!

                      is anyone surprised at Jeter's greed? $500 for a game used sock?

                      the only part of Jeter's legacy I'm going to keep an eye on is just how long his marriage to Minky will last, that to me will show how real a man he is.


                      • Bravesfan
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 150

                        Re: To Sign Jeter Or Not!!

                        Jeter tarnished his reputation when he faked getting hit by a pitch. Very bush league in my opinion.
                        The Yankees have offered him nearly twice what he could get on the open market and he acts insulted.
                        I would retract the offer and send him packing.


                        • xpress34
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 2648

                          Re: To Sign Jeter Or Not!!

                          Jeter seeking $25m per...


                          • Manram
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 1151

                            Re: To Sign Jeter Or Not!!

                            Originally posted by xpress34
                            Thats just not even right. Ya pay him close to what pujols makes, the best player in baseball, no thanks. He did a lot of things for the franchise, but he isn't even worth the 15 million a year they offered him. After last year he is probably a 10 million a year player. just outrageous


                            • cjclong
                              Senior Member
                              • Feb 2006
                              • 936

                              Re: To Sign Jeter Or Not!!

                              Mbegna, you must not think there are a lot of "real men " out there since about half the population is divorced. Unless they make it public in some way people's personal lives fall under the heading of no body else's business.

