I figured we should have a thread about our favorite pickups of the year. If there's already a thread on this, I missed it. Photos are a must!

My favorite pickups would have to be my 2010 Adam Dunn LVS bat used to hit all 3 Home Runs in his only 3 HR game on 7/7/10 (and 2 more on 7/9/10) and my 2010 Joey Votto game used road jersey that was last used in the Roy Halladay NLDS historic game and is photomatched to games throughout the year. I have Andrew Lang and John Taube to thank on the Dunn and Mark Fugate and the Reds on the Votto. I also have to mention my Josh Willingham 2010 Set 1 alternate, probably used for most or all of the season. Thanks again to Andrew Lang on that one. Sorry for the terrible photos!