Quote Originally Posted by ivo610 View Post
in the forum rules,

"When possible, we recommend that the poster questioning an item attempt to contact the seller of the item and allow at least 24 hours for the seller to reply before posting. This will prevent postings that may be generated based on misunderstandings of an item."

Next time please message me if you have any questions, I would be more than happy to answer them.
I think the original post wasn't stating that your jersey is not good, just that a few features of the jersey confuses them. They asked the general forum if they could answer his questions.

Personally, I would have emailed you my questions first and then asked the forum if I didn't like the answers or didn't hear back from you.

I do not believe the original post was intended to hurt the item. It appears it was just asking if anyone had the answers that we all assume you now have to enlighten us with since they are interesting questions.