Quote Originally Posted by Titans74 View Post
No one is "getting into your business" when you post your so-called business openly on a public forum. Secondly, based on what I've read, you're attitude appears to suck. Just my two cents.
When I've already explained my point in another thread and then I get attacked here, that is people getting into my business...

I'm not sure how you ascertain that my attitude sucks...

I was mad because I got the run around? yeah, my attitude sucked there because you would have been happy?

I gave credit to the guy who actually stepped up and figured out the issue with the ticket deal? Yeah, that was sucky of me...

So because I bitched about the system (which still sucks), but ended up with good - no great - tickets and because my family could use the money the tickets could be worth to achieve some different goals - my attitude sucks?

I'm not going to get into a name calling match with you or anyone else on here, but I'm glad to know that due to ONE incident that I was P.O.'d about that has now changed directions that my attitude sucks.

Thank you for that in depth analysis and expert commentary Kreskin.