Albert Pujols Batting practice bat not game used!!

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  • basketballbones

    Albert Pujols Batting practice bat not game used!!

    This is why I don't post on this forum as it's a total buddy buddy very biased to say the very least!! So BP is considered game used by MLB, so what many others would beg to differ as if a Pujols bat had BP notations on knob end bat would go for far less than one that did not FACT!!! Again people on this forum will look the other way to this forum member as just because he's been a member for a long time, and or people think he's an upstanding person which means nothing!! I'm not like many of the people on here that save every single auction, but do know for a fact this is the same bat that Ball park heroes had on ebay and was purchased off of Ebay not on Ebay, but bat was on there did not get any bids I do remember that for sure! I did not email seller as did not realize until auction ended and we all know that you have to email seller first before making any accusations is RIDICULOUS happens all the time on here where people trash items with out ever emailing seller. Let's say for a second that Bert did not remove any tape, why would there be no such deatails in item description that there was tape once on bat and what are the chances of 2 Pujols 2002 rawlings bats that had this tape in same spot again I don't have the pics, but maybe someone at Ball Park Heroes can shed some light as I"m sure they would of remembered this as there bat at one time and was clearly issued a COA with Batting Practice used as Bert's profanity only makes him look more bad. I'm sure Thought wait awhile and nobody would remember the tape on bat and sold as BP bat and do you Bert have the original receipt from Mastro when you bought bat to show everybody without tape on handle. I'm sure BIRDBATS has the auction info as he is the Pujols supposed expert and has kept every sing le auction of Pujols bats maybe he can chime in.
  • spartanservitto
    Senior Member
    • May 2010
    • 932

    Re: Albert Pujols Batting practice bat not game used!!

    I will no longer even attempt to sell a Pujols item, there is always something that someone finds or has to say that isnt this or that. It's such a head ache. Lay off the guy or contact him privately, and to contact the Ebay seller is wrong when you have no proof for anything to back allegations. Thats all I have to say.

    Always looking for ALEX AVILA, ALBERT PUJOLS, HOME RUN BATS, and any high end gamers from 90's-00's stars.

    Tony Servitto
    My Email:
    My Website:


    • basketballbones

      Re: Albert Pujols Batting practice bat not game used!!

      Are people on here Hellen Keller can clearly see in the auction pics that at very bottom of handle there is the remnants of where the tape was as there is a clear line. Even if I had the actual original auction from Ball Park heroes with stating batting practice used you guys would still side with Bert as it's biased on here buddy buddy system as everyone is an expert!!I'm sure someone has the original auction from a few years ago, but don't wanna post as you know of all the photo matched geeks that are on here if it's not photo matched then no good right! I wrote down the model# batch code and year code and matched that bat perfectly what are the odds of that Bert like hitting the Mega Bucks Lotto!!! It's funny,but if anyone on the forum here bought a game used bat and later found out was a BP bat would be livid not happy to say the least would want refund, or partial refund of some sorts, so don't insult me with BP is considered game use as many collectors will pay a fraction for a BP bat, or stay away completely. Goodnight


      • CampWest
        Senior Member
        • May 2008
        • 1507

        Re: Albert Pujols Batting practice bat not game used!!

        Of all the likely less than perfectly described items on ebay, why do you choose this one to throw a tantrum about? I have to question why this one requires two threads when you have not worried enough to post about any other questionable items on ebay. So, you must troll here for the good info and only throw a fit the one time when you recognize the ebay seller as a GUU member. I'm just confused by this whole thing.
        Wes Campbell


        • basketballbones

          Re: Albert Pujols Batting practice bat not game used!!

          I did not ever want to post before because of exactly this and not ranting just that it's very biased on here and buddy buddy system that very obvious. Someone bought a 1,235 BP bat as probably was buying as actual used in a game and not altered by removing tape from handle. Your telling me if you found this out about a bat you won you would be happy nothing wrong as I'm sure if you shelled out that kind of $ would want to be game used and nothing removed from bat unless stated in auction details. It's worst than womans sewing group on here everybody's an expert, but when I saw that auction being misrepresented so badly then I decided to post not a welcome for me posting, but to get blasted for calling out a forum member that's again why I don't post damned if you do and damned if you don't can't win on here!!


          • nt_eagle
            • Jan 2011
            • 60

            Re: Albert Pujols Batting practice bat not game used!!

            Where is the 'proper' form of Grammar (or English) in this Original Post?! If it ain't there, then dispose of properly!


            • basketballbones

              Re: Albert Pujols Batting practice bat not game used!!



              • nt_eagle
                • Jan 2011
                • 60

                Re: Albert Pujols Batting practice bat not game used!!

                There 'ya go, Chief! Glad to see you are using your GED! Gotta love kids these days!!


                • gingi79
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2007
                  • 1195

                  Re: Albert Pujols Batting practice bat not game used!!

                  I don't know Bert other than that he is a member in good standing on GUU. I know nothing about Albert Pujols bats. What I do know is that it is against Forum rules to throw out personal attacks on members for any reason. People have been banned for it.

                  Also, claiming it is ridiculous that it is forum rules to contact an eBay seller before posting derogatory comments means you also know your temper tantrum was against the rules as well.

                  I have yet to come across a single situation where "buddy buddy" protection occurred when it wasn't someone will multiple screen names vouching for themselves. Those members have been banned as well. Can you furnish any such threads to back up your wild and unsubstantiated claim?

                  You have 12 posts on this board and 33% of them were in reference to this bat. Rather than throw out mean spirited personal attacks, perhaps you should show proof of what you claim. Without the bat in your hands, how can you be so sure it is the same one? Players go through dozens of bats a season, do you honestly think this is the only 2002 Pujols bat in the hobby? Your posts are all about buying and selling bats, you can't honestly expect people to take you seriously with your angry and half cocked ranting when all you back up is that it is a bat from the same season as a batting practice bat that was once for sale.

                  Considering you knowingly break several rules of this forum, you seem to be the only person doing something wrong. Not my place to tell the Mods what to do but if you do get banned it will be because you knowingly broke GUU guidelines, bragged about it and were condescending and accusatory to the rest of us. The sad part is, if the bat is a Batting practice bat, you have taken all of the issue away from it and placed it squarly on your actions. How is that helping the hobby?
                  Bieksallent! My Player Collections:



                  • nt_eagle
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 60

                    Re: Albert Pujols Batting practice bat not game used!!

                    +1, gingi79
                    And, to basketballbones, Cavet Emptor. And, that's to all of us, and we all know it! But, I have known Kim Stigall (Ball Park Heroes) from the early '90s, and he's legit to myself. Which, may not say much because of my previous posts, but if he makes a mistake on an Item, it's veeery few...and veeery far between!


                    • basketballbones

                      Re: Albert Pujols Batting practice bat not game used!!

                      You guys are comic relief to say the very least!!! You guys have your heads in the sand and where have I made any personal attacks maybe go back to shoremen44 and read his thread as if you can read right he is the one who used profane language drawing attention to him not me. The moderators have agendas keeping out posts they don't want people to see on here a fact and to email a seller about a questionable item auction was already over, or would have emailed seller on bat would of denied anyways what's the point would of continued auction and deceit all potential bidders by not disclosing was a bp bat and tape was removed. Thanks for the free comic relief tonight without any admission how can you beat that. Albert pujols 2002 Rawlings game used BP bat 1,235 with tape missing PRICELESS!!! Maybe coming soon a perfect grade for the bp bat will be the next thing just icing on the cake!!


                      • basketballbones

                        Re: Albert Pujols Batting practice bat not game used!!

                        NT Eagle do you read posts correctly as it seems like you need some glasses! I NEVER EVER SAID THAT BALL PARK HEROES IS AT FAULT FOR ANYTHING!!! The new seller of the bat shoremen44 is the one who sold as game used as Ball Park Heroes FULLY DISCLOSED THAT WAS ONLY A BP BAT AND HAD A COA WITH PICS OF THAT BAT and I did not save the auction itself, but wrote down the important info on the knob as knew this would come back as game used tape being removed then saying game used can CLEARLY SEE WHERE THE TAPE WAS DOES NOT TAKE A ROCKET SCIENTIST!! I'm sure Bert is a swell guy to all you, but he did not disclose even that there was tape on bat at one time and I'm sure that he knows enough about bats to see the remnants of that and still no mention of that anywhere other than Pujols trademark pine tar give me a break!!! Maybe Ball Park Heroes still has a copy of the COA as there was a #5 on both ends of bat just like the one on ebay. If what I wrote about the bat as being a personal attack then all of you got to look at your selves in the mirror as every day on this forum you are personally attacking people you just don't like it when it's at you!!


                        • gingi79
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2007
                          • 1195

                          Re: Albert Pujols Batting practice bat not game used!!

                          Originally posted by basketballbones
                          You guys are comic relief to say the very least!!! You guys have your heads in the sand and where have I made any personal attacks maybe go back to shoremen44 and read his thread as if you can read right he is the one who used profane language drawing attention to him not me.
                          If someone with no proof came on this or any website and made a claim that you purchased an item, modified it for profit and then lied about it, wouldn't you tell them to kiss off? Wait! This thread alone has shown your angry and confrontational demeanor! Your quote above proves my point. And he wasn't attacking you, he was telling you that you are wrong and with no proof are accusing him of deceiving and modifying a bat to make it what it isn't. Your quote above also shows you think we are all too stupid to see blatant fraudulent activity. Personal attack. I'll ask again, point out to us ostriches here on GUU, how do you know?

                          Originally posted by basketballbones
                          The moderators have agendas keeping out posts they don't want people to see on here a fact
                          If you honestly believe that, what purpose does this thread serve and why are you wasting your time posting here? This isn't mandatory reading and posting here isn't your homework. If you think we are all a bunch of idiots who support fake items and protecting shysters you obviously aren't reading the threads nor are you contributing.
                          Bieksallent! My Player Collections:



                          • nt_eagle
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 60

                            Re: Albert Pujols Batting practice bat not game used!!

                            Obviously the booze is speaking for this kid...


                            • nt_eagle
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 60

                              Re: Albert Pujols Batting practice bat not game used!!

                              "Where the Tape does was" sold me.

