When my wife and I were married, we spent our Honeymoon in San Francisco. Prior to our leaving, I called Dick and told him we would be out there and he invited us over to his home. I accepted Dick's offer but told him our plans would be tentative because I would have to figure out a way to casually suggest it to my wife. I figured she would be none too happy seeing a hobby Pal while on our honeymoon.

So, we get to San Francisco and after a few days into the trip, at a nice restaurant, I casually bring up my "tentative" plans to see Dick. She wasn't exactly happy about it but she agreed to go and meet Dick and his family.

When we got there and she met Dick and his family, she did NOT want to leave. Even she was impressed with his collection and more so by their hospitality. Unfortunately, Dick had to leave because he had to go to the Giants game. He asked us if we had tickets and we said that we didn't. He told us that if we wanted to go, he'll leave two (2) tickets at the Will Call window.

As we left and were driving back to San Francisco, we decided to go to the game and when we got to the stadium, there were two (2) tickets waiting for us.

Dick passed on and the hobby lost a real gentleman but for those of us who know him, he isn't gone at all.

