Hi All,

Looking to buy my first non-certified GU item and would like some help justifying the purchase

It's a Dave Nilsson Batting Helmet...hopefully it's going to make a good b-day present!


A couple of questions:
1. Is there anything blatantly wrong with this item that would raise suspicion? There are very few pics available but the one's I have found, none have all 3 stickers on the back (number, mlb logo, abc logo).

2. With such obvious game use I thought it would be easy to match, I tried every single website in the photomatch thread but to no avail. Getty was the only decent site with a few pics, the closest I came was actually baseball cards from '96 + '98 but need hi res images to confirm...should this be a concern?

3. In a message to the seller, he says he bought the item from Hartel Sports. Anyone have any opinions on them?

4. Price - what is a good starting point for offers on a GU helmet? It's not certified or photomatched, he others that are listed for less, and it's not like the player was a world beater. However the scarcity of aussie players batting helmets would let me add a bit of a premium...

This would be my first non certified purchase, I know a lot of you don't care much for LOA/holo items, but it's really going out of my comfort zone. One reason why I am tempted by this item is that I have access to Dave Nilsson during our domestic baseball season (which won't start again until November) so hopefully I can get it verified then. In the meantime it will be a big elephant in my room The flip-side is price wise, it's a pretty big purchase for me (+postage).

Would appreciate all views please (on the item, not my compulsion with LOA/holo's!).
