I received a phone call tonight from Troy Kinunen of MEARS. We had a talk about some of the problems I have with MEARS. I agree that I've been pretty harsh on MEARS recently and in the past with some of my post on here. We didn't get to deep into the problem I have but we were able to open up a conversation about it at least. I hope we will be able to work all this out and that we can get along with each other. I've known Troy over 30 years now and we haven't been that friendly with each other over that time. If we can work out these problems that we have maybe that will change.

I know that Troy and I have many things in common in this hobby. For one we both collect Milwaukee Brewers game used items. Maybe if we can work out our differences this might help the both of us with collecting Brewers GU items.

I will try my best to not be so harsh on MEARS in the future and I hope this situation will work its self out. Troy it was nice talking to you tonight and if you ever want to talk just give me a call.

I know that we can't change the past but we can work on the future.