Quote Originally Posted by Dewey2007 View Post
Shipp 96, here goes one. I found this photo of Willie Stargell from 1980 when the City of Alameda held a parade in his honor. It was Willie Stargell Day and the field at my old high school was dedicated in his name.

The cool thing is an 11 year old ME is in this photo. I am the dark haired kid who's head is directly below the young black girl with the beaded braids in her hair. I had never seen this photo before last night when I found it on Photoshelter.com and I was shocked to see my mug in it. Luckily the photographer has this photo for sale so I am going to buy a copy of it. I plan to frame it with the two "Welcome Home Willie" pin-on's that I kept from that day.
Sorry, but I can 't figure out which mug is yours. Which black girl has the beaded braids? Where is she relative to the photo?